Chapter 29

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She pulls the triger and I close my eyes know it will kill me as soon as it hits me. I open my eyes and it's all in slow motion, to see the gun being lowered and seeing Sandy run in front of me to takes the shot. She falls hard onto the floor, while Zoe drops the gun on the floor, I hear the bang of it hitting the ground and she stands there in shock. I go down to the ground and try to tend to Sandy. I am freaking out, I'm so confused on what to do, she I hold onto Sandy or should I do something about it. Then I see Zoe's gun on the ground in front of me, just staring me in the face. I quickly grab the gun loaded and ready, jump up onto my feet and shoot Zoe right in the chest. She falls to the ground while holding her bleeding chest, blood pooring out every where. After watching Zoe fall to the ground and laying there slowly dying, I go back down to see how Sandy is doing. I hold her gun shot getting blood all over my hands, I'm just trying to keep her alive for a few more minutes just to talk to her. "Hey hey hey, just relax. Shhhh. How you doin'?" I ask Sandy holding her up in my arms and pressing on her wound. I feel Tiff sit down beside me and grab one of Sandy's hands and she puts her other arm around me leaning her head into my shoulder. "I'm in a lot of pain. But I'm not going to make it but it will be fine." Sandy whispers me in a soft calming voice. "Mat come here." She brings her hand around my head and puts her mouth beside my ear and whispers into my ear, "Keep my family safe, please. Please promise to keep my family safe. Okay." I look her in the eyes, she starts to fade. She's gone, just like that. Gone. "I promise, Sandy. I promise." I whisper to her. I lay her down putting a coat under her head and turning to hug Tiffany, who is crying her eyes out, just crying. I stand up and turn around to see Maya balling her eyes out, I pull her in and give her a bug hug while she crys into my chest.

I turn to look at Tiffany, I bring her in on the other side of me and all the other girls come in for a big hug. We all turn when the bright sunshine brightens up the room when the doors open. People are standing in the door way in scilence for a few minutes. We all stand here staring at these men in these white, full body suits with there heads uncovered and they stare at us, intencly. After a while one of them say in a thick, low british accent, "Congratulations on getting through the Maze girls.. And boy." He says with a big smile on his face. "Me and my men are here to save you and bring you to safety. Come with us. If you want to." He turns, wakes out the door and waves us to come outside with him. I walk out and it's blinding, the real sun shine is just amazing. It's so beautiful out here, really hot to, I'm glad I wore shorts and t-shirt and not long pants. He helps all of us into a big, giant thing that looks like a oversized helocopter. He says it's called a Berg and I've never seen anything like it before. "So where are we, you know in the world?" I ask him and every girl switchs their attention to him. He looks at me with a wondering look, like he is prode I asked he says, "Um we are in the USA. California to be exact." I look at him, but I use to live in Canada. "Why were taken here and away from family and where are we going?" I ask him again, he still has that look on his face when he turns to look at me again. "Well most of the world was wiped out because of this sickness and you guys were amune to it so we took you. And to answer your other question we are goin' to the UK, to be specific London. So bukle up, it's going to be a while." "Were going to London, why?" He looks at me with a different look like I am asking to many questions but he still answers me and my silly questions, "We are going to London because it's the only surviving place left. It will be a while." I look down at Tiffany who is looking up at me. She holds my hand and kisses me on the cheek, while she cuddles into me. "Were going to be okay." She nods, gives me another kiss on the lips and we watch the land move fast below us.

To be continued...

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