Chapter 14

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After I tell her evrything, how we like eachother and how we almost kissed and tons of other things. There's scilence through out the room and she hugs me and says, "So do you think you will ever kiss her?" I hug her back, "Hopefully cause i really do like her, a lot." I hug back. "I hope so to. I hope so to." she whispers back to me. "Okay well I'm going to get changed and lay outside and relax." I say to her while she gets up. "Haha get that tan on!" She yells as she dances out the door, "See ya, Bye bye!!!" "Bye Marzia!!!" I yell back at her.

I take off my shirt and look in the mirror, as I look at my abs and muscles I think, 'Why would she like me I'm cool, funny,' I flex my muscles, 'have great abs.'

I strip down and through some shorts on open the door and at my feet there is a few things and a note. Picking up the note it reads, "Hey Mat, thought you may need some of these things for tanning today. Cause you know you gotta get that tan! Love Tiff!" Signed with a heart for the 'i' in her name and two hearts on the side of the page locked together.

She so sweet, and nice. I bring up th basket full of things, close the door and sit on my bed and take everything out of the basket. There's are two big towel, two sun screen, a pair of sunglasses and tanning oil. Well as I open the lid to put some sun screen on, I smell it. It smells like flowers or like a girls perfume, I kinda like it. I grab my basket full of towels, sun screen and oil and head outside.

As I walk out side I notice that everyone around me is staring at me. I know why cause I'm handsome with my brown quiff hair and strikingly fit body. I put my towels down, the longer one I'm lay down and the shorter one I fold it up and put it as my pillow and through my sunglasses on. Suddenly I feel someone jump on my back and yell, "Piggy back Mat!" I look over my shoulder and see the beautiful Tiff. "Well I'm tanning like you said to do so get off." I start to laugh at the end of that sentence, thinking of how gay that may sound.

She jumps off and says, "What are you doing with the second towel and tanning oil?" She said with a confused look on her face. I spin around to see her wearing a bikini that makes her body look really good. "Well who knew you were joining me." "Ha well I'm here so lay down my towel while I put my tanning oil on. Okay? Okay good." She doesn't wait for me to answer she kicks my butt and grabs the oil and starts to put it on.

I finish laying out her towel and lay on mine. I watch her put on her oil and she's beautiful and sexy as fuck. She looks over and asks, "Hey can you put some on my back. Please." She said with a grin on her face. "Sure." As I get over and put some of the tanning oil in my hand and I start to rub her back. As I finish rubbing her back, I look down at her and she looks up over her shoulder and we stare at eachother for a few seconds. Then her and I go to lay down on the towel and we relax with our sunglasses on and tan for a few hours.

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