Chapter 17

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I'm here.. In the maze... With a injuried girl... And a girl who knows the maze like the back of her hand. I'm scared and the first thing I think of is what is Tiff thinking and doing. Is she crying cause I ran to my death or that I don't like her or this place or does she know I was coming in here to help Sandy and Tracy... I guess I'll never know.

"Well good job Mat." Tracy said to me. I look up with confusion. "You just ran into your death. No one has ever made it through a night in.. The Maze." She says looking around and then down at Sandy. "You never know we could make if we try and not roll over and die like your doing right now!" I say back in a stern voice because she is ready to just give up like that. "Didn't you just here me! NO ONE HAS EVER SURVIVED THE MAZE!" She yells at me while standing up and all in my face.

"WELL IF YOU DON'T ROLL OVER AND DIE JUST CAUSE SOMETHING HARD SHOWS UP IN YOUR LIFE MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE A LITTLE FAITH IN US AND OUR CHANCES OF SURVIVING!" I yell back at her but then I take a deep breathe and go back to my normal voice and say, "I know it's hard with having a injuried friend and that we have a very slim chance of livng but at least you could try for me and the girls. Please just try."

She looks up at me with eyes full of tears, "I'm just scared." She says to me in a soft but terrified voice. "I know, I know." I whisper back to her while bringing her in for a hug. "Now, what are we going to do." I say to her breaking off the hug. "What do you mean?" She answers with a concerned look on her face. "I mean what are we going to do with Sandy, she can't run or walk or even stand and if a Griever comes arfter us we have to carry her and that will kill all of us." I say looking at Tracy and then to Sandy, then back to Tracy. "We could hide her under one of the stone walls, I know what that has a hiding space in it. That's where I hide a lot if I ever need it." She answers with a dilighted face.

"Sounds perfect!" I say with excitment. "Where is it?" "Are you strong enough to carry her for a few steps by yourself it's that one over there." She points to one large stone wall around twenty feet away. "It's only like twenty feet away so I think I'll be fine." I say back to her. "Okay great I have to rip open some vines that are over there so I'll go do that and you bring her over there okay?"

"Okay I'll be there in a second." I say back as she runs over to the stone wall. I get prepared to lift up Sandy, now she looks light but you never know. She looks to be about a hundred and sixty pounds maybe, but I'm preparing myself so I don't hurt my back. So I go over and grab her ass and her back and heave her over my shoulder. Surprisingly she is a lot lighter then I thought she was, she feels about a hundred pounds, wow.

Now i slowlyy start to walk over to Tracy who is waving for me to come. I know I should be quiet cause the Grievers might hear me and that would not be good. As I'm walking over I look to my left and see a huge half real and half robot spider looking thing, there's no words to discribe it. I look back over to Tracy and she whisoers to me, "Don't let you heart rate go up they detect you by your heart beats, just say calm and slowly contiune to come over here." I nod and watch the Griever while I slowly side step over to Tracy. I get to her and we put Sandy on the wall and look behind us to see a Griever standing no more then ten feet away. Her and I's heart rates sky rocket.

She grabs my arm and brings me down to my hands and knees. "We need to go under the wall with Sandy or we will die." "Is there enough room in there for three people?" I ask back in whisper. "I don;t think so. I think we bothe have to sneek over there and hind under that one." She points to the wall a head, it's long and thick so lots of people could hide under there. "Okay." I answer. "On three. One. Two. Three." We get up and run over to the wall and crawl under it.

The Griever can feel our hearts racing, bu tgoes the other direction. After a while and we know we are safe , we slowly fall asleep in the dark and scary maze.

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