Chapter 9

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I'm fifteen years old and sleeping in my bed. I see flashes of a women walking me up and grabbing clothes from a dresser and handing them to me. "Mom, where are we going?" I say half asleep.

"We are not going anywhere, you are going somewhere." She said to me while rushing to pack up my stuff.

"But mom where am I going and why aren't you coming with me?" I whisper while helping her pack up everything.

"You are leaving and you will be safe. Just don't question it, you will be fine. Trust me, you have to trust me." She stops and grabs my shoulder, "Please just help me pack and you will leave. I may or may not see you again but all you have to do is remember that I love you and I always will."

I can feel the tears rushing down my face and I see her starting to cry while she whips my tears away. She zips up my suitcase and a bag full of my other stuff and hands it to me. We start to walk to the front door, then suddenly the door smashes open and people with full body suits on grab my stuff.

I'm hugging my mom worried and scared. She looks at me and says, "You will be safe, you will live don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you. Like I said before all you have to do is remember that I love you and I always will love you." I squeeze her once more time while she kisses my forehead and I whisper, "I love you to mom and I always will."

They grab me and pull me away from my mom, prying me off of her. I'm screaming and she holding my hand and she whispers, "Let go sweetheart, let go and just remember I will always be with you, in your heart. I love you sweetheart till the end of time." She lets go of my hand and I yell, "I love you to mom, till the end of time!"

I suddenly wake up, lifting my self from my bed. Breathing heavy and sweating. I keep whispering to myself that is was just a dream, but I don't know if it was. It felt like, it felt like... A memory. But how.

How could it feel so real, it was only a dream. But it didn't feel like a dream, it was so real. I saw my mom and I know it wasn't a dream. "It was real, it was real." I keep whispering to myself because it was i remember my mom. And I know she loves me. "She loves me, I remember my mom loves me!" I keep saying it, "And I love her."

As I lay back down on my bed, I'm overwelmed with joy and happyness that I start to cry. Yes everyone thinks I'm a tough guy but I really am a sencitive and loving guy. I lay here whipping my tears and I can hear all the girls running up and down the stairs and talking to each other. I deside I might as well get up and put some clothes as I'm just in my underwear and should go join the girls. When Nat knocks on the door and tells me to get up. And also to come outside.

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