Chapter 15

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After a few hours of tanning there's a loud bang, like the sound of a gong. We both look up and it's coming from the big kitchen in the Homestead. "Dinner time!" We hear a girl yell, "Unless you don't want any food for the rest of the night! Go clean your selves up all of you!" So me and Tiff Pack up my stuff and we walk up to my room. I through the stuff on the bed and Tiff asks,

"Hey can I have a quick shower in your shower cause the other girls will be using the one in our room, is that okay with you?"

Well I'm thinking DUH it's okay with me but I say, "Sure go for it!" While she's in there I quickly change and hear the shower turn off adn I race to look the other way just incase she's naked or something. I look out the window and she says, "Whatcha lookin' at?" "Just looking outdside." I answer. "Haha okay. Lets go get some dinner." "Okay!" She grabs my hand and we walk down stairs holding hands.

"Are you excited to be a runner in two days?" I hear a voice say behind me after me and Tiff walk into the kitchen and grab our dinner. I look behind me and see Marzia holding my shoulder with a smile on her face. "Yeah, I am. Although I am a little nervious to, but why two days from now why not tomorrow?"

"Cause were going to be nice and give you one more day to work on that pale skin of yours!" Rusty said giggling and looking at Tiff laughing. "Hey it's gotten better I'm a little more brown then I was before!" I say with a nod of my head, they laugh and Tiff says, "But you still need at least another day of tanning." While I look at Rusty nodding at me.

WE all sit down and eat together talking about ther etime here in the Glade because thats what all of us remember, nothing else. "Well I'm getting tired, tanning really wears you out." I say to them and they laugh at me like I'm crazy but I'm not lying tanning tires you out. They should know that there girls. "Okay well go to bed and get lots of rest cause tomorrow your having a long hard day of tanning!" Tiff says mockingly to me. "Yeah I am, so goodnight." I say back while laughing because I know it's true. "Goodnight!" They both say as I leave the kitchen and head up to my room.

I strip down tto my boxers and crawl into bed. I think to myself that this is not that bad of a place. Theres jobs and all different things you could do, but there also is a giant maze with Greivers in it. Okay, okay. At least I'll have a nice relaxing day tomorrow, nothing going bad or anything just a day of relaxing.

Or so he thought...

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