Chapter 7

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I love her giggle, it's so cute. I grab her hand and we turn. Tiff and the other girls all grab me and we all walk over to the Homestead. As we all walk back I start to think this place is not so bad, it's nice here and there's also a beautiful girl here that I don't if I like her or what but she's nice.

Once we get there all the girls go to their rooms. Most of them share cause you know there girls but me on the other hand get my own room which is pretty great. Just more space for me and my shit I guess. Tiff opens the door to my room and it's huge, nig queen bed, two dressers and I have my own bathroom. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

She looks at me enjoining the glory of my own room, it's funny because she looks at me with a look where her eyes shine just because of the perfect lighting and her rosey cheeks are just cute.

"Hopefully you will enjoy it. It's not much but you will survive right." She said grinning at me. "Don't worry I'll live it's small but it will have to do." I say with a posh ass british accent.

I come over and stand beside her and we just stare at eachother for a few seconds. "Well I have to go to bed. Umm I'll see you tomorrow." She said with a cute inecent voice, "Okay?" "Sounds great I guess." I grin while saying it.

We hug and Tiff gives me a kiss on my cheek and then closes the door. I'm left in this room after a girl I don't know if I like or not has just kissed me on my cheek. I wash up in my bathroom with a towel. I can't stop thinking about how she kissed me. But after a while of washing I crawl into my big bed and left there. Thinking.

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