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(Y/N pov)

"Goddamn it" I try and kick the door open again but to no avail. I slowly sit back down on the van floor feeling the pain from the crossbow bolt in my shoulder. No, MY crossbow bolt in my shoulder. This can't be real. Right? I put my head to the van wall and close my eyes until I feel a jolt in the truck and then It stops completely

I stand up with my fists up and ready. And soon enough the doors open quickly which I didn't anticipate so I fall forwards onto the solid concrete ground and before I can get up I can feel a cold object bash me in the side of the face. My vision blurs before slowly getting darker and darker.

I wake up in a dark room with the only light coming from underneath a door. I unintentionally shiver as I get up from my standing position and realise I'm not wearing any clothes and I have a bandage where the crossbow bolt was lodged in my shoulder. I try the door handle but it's locked tight so I also try and kick it but with no shoes, it didn't even budge.

Ultimately I sit in one of the corners of the small room huddling myself to stay warm. And after a couple of hours, I hear the locks click and Dwight walks in wearing Daryl's jacket and holding a paper plate with a sandwich on it. I'm almost starving so I take the sandwich without hesitation and bite down on it. The taste is revolting, it's as if it was expired by several years. It had mouldy bread and what I guess to be dog food in it. And without another word, he leaves the room and locks the door leaving me in complete darkness.

"We're on easy street, and it's all so sweet, cause the world is but a treat when your on easy street" This is all I've heard for the past 9 hours or at least that's the time I've guessed. I stand up and face the ground. If I have any chance to get out of here I need to focus conserve my energy.

Once again the locks click and Dwight comes through the door with the same sandwich and I take it instantly. Biting down on the disgusting texture of dog food and hard bread. Dwight just stands in front of me looking slightly up due to me being an inch or 2 taller than him. I pay no attention and focus on eating and eventually, he walks out.

I'm laying on the floor now completely exhausted. Having insomnia is one thing but being forced to stay awake because of a children's nursery rhyme song. 10 times worse. I close my eyes to the quietness of the end of the song. I can feel my body drifting to sleep before.

"We're on Easy Street and it's all so sweet" my eyes open quickly but tiredly and I bash my head against the hard tile floor a couple of times before my eyes start to water.

I sit in the corner closest to the door huddled up like when I first got here, that damn song still being blasted into my ears. The door opens again and Dwight quickly steps and throws the dog food sandwich at my head. I flinch but quickly pick it up and start ravenously tearing into it.

Dwight suddenly throws something at me I look over and see clothes well a piece of clothing. It's a jumpsuit similar to the ones they would give you in prison except this one is a beige colour and has an 'A' spray painted orange on the front. I quickly put it on and eat at the same time.

I stay in the same corner in the same position Listening to the same fucking song replayed over and over and over again. Dwight comes in yet again, I hold out my hand for the sandwich but instead, he grabs me and pulls me up aiming my crossbow at my head as he makes me walk down the blue-tiled hallway.

The floor is cold and the hallway is dimly lit. Finally, Dwight pushes me into a white room which I guess is used like a nurse's station due to all the medical supplies surrounding it. There's a woman on the examiner seat and a man in a long white coat who spoke as we entered.

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