Blitz Play

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(Y/n Pov)

"Why are we in this again?" Tara speaks to me while I'm driving the garbage truck down the cracked roads. I turn to her.

"We need it to get the Saviour's wall open," I say keeping my eyes on the road. "But first, we need to find Michonne and Rosita, they came out here so maybe they can help us."

"Did you see Lizzie?" I shake my head at the irrelevant quest." Tara nods and gets the hint when she goes silent.

"Nah, she's still at Hilltop, they took survivors said they need extra help," I clarify.

Suddenly I hear loud classical music coming from an opposite road. I turn my head to see a truck with large speakers attached to the back of it coming from the left road And Rosita and michonne chasing after it. "Hold on."

I accelerate as fast as I can and grip tighter onto the steering wheel while putting my other hand on the dashboard as a brace.

Ultimately we crash into the side of the truck, tipping it over multiple times as I slam on the brakes making our truck skid but not topple over.

"Holy shit!" Tara starts breathing heavily while I stay calm and stare at the upside-down truck. I get out of the garbage truck and double tap the Saviours in the truck with my rifle while Rosita and Michonne walk toward us.

"Truck full of speakers, huh? That was a saviour."

"Yeah, it was. They were scavenging when you guys attacked the Sanctuary. They saw all the walkers around it, it was a cache. To try and drive the walkers away." Michonne explains as Tara looks confused.

"Why are you guys out here?" There's a tense silence before Michonne responds.

"I need to see the Sanctuary."

"We both do." Rosita corrects before replying with a question of her own. "Why are you out here?"

"We got a lot more work to do. All of us." I walk back to the driver's side part of the garbage truck and hop in turning on the engine.

"Here you go, you wanted to see it." I pass my rifle scope to Michonne and she takes it before looking through it, presumably to see the hundreds of walkers surrounding Sanctuary.

She nods as she passes it to Rosita who begins to talk. "So what do you need us for?"

"To end this thing, right now." I push off the side of the truck I was leaning on and gesture for Rosita to give me back the scope, she does and I put it back on the rifle before looking through it at Sanctuary.

"Our people are gonna be at the sanctuary soon. Asking them to surrender. We're almost there." I put down the scope while Tara speaks.

"That's why we do it. We make it happen." I explain.

"So we cover you with crossfire from the upper windows, you crash the truck into the building?" I nod.

"Yep, classic Blitz play, minus the robbery." Tara elaborates.

"You know the workers will make it away, up the stairs?" Rosita asks me.

"They're on the other side of the building. They should make it."

"You sure?" I turn my head to look at her and she's giving me that mom look.

"After we do this, their only choice is to give up."

The Walking Dead Tale Of Y/N Dixon (Male Reader x TWD)Where stories live. Discover now