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As Li Dani walked to Yue Yard to arrest Official Lady Lifen, he couldn't help but think that this Official Lady Lifen would've succeeded with her vicious scheme if she wasn't so impulsive. The plan she came up with was both meticulous and flawless. She didn't poison her nor did she outright assassinate her. She instead used an additive that could ruin Official Lady Huifang's life.

It was uncommon for an addict to receive treatment because the best methods for treating addiction had not yet been found. Only approximately three doctors work for the Department of Health, and only about two of them have any formal training in psychology. It was therefore not an exaggeration to say that they were severely lacking in the mental health area, and Official Lady Lifen's turning of Official Lady Huifang into an addict demonstrated her cunning and cruel mentality.

She fed Official Lady Huifang poppies for eight months, forcing her to become dependent it. Then, she abruptly stopped giving Official Lady Huifang the additive, triggering withdrawal symptoms. Naturally, Imperial Physicians would be summoned with Official Lady Huifang being sick, making Baihe Yard the center of attention. The situation would undoubtedly become more significant if even Imperial Physician Li, head of the medical staff, was unable to uncover anything.

According to Eunuch Wu's letter, Imperial Physician Li would pretend to be conflicted and pretend to work hard to find the cause. He would then pretend would work with other Physicians. After days of hard work, he would be enlightened about Official Lady Huifang's case and would diagnose her with withdrawal symptoms. But how could a concubine be diagnosed with withdrawal symptoms? Was there a concubine who would dare to take prohibited drugs right under the emperor's nose?

With the emperor's big ego he would act immediately. He would send people to search Baihe Yard, and would confidently find some poppies there. For a concubine to be doing such a filthy act, she was certainly unworthy to be an imperial concubine, and in a fit of rage, the emperor would severely punish her. Not only would the plan destroy any hope of her getting the emperor's favor back, but also the hope of her living like a normal person.

The emperor would probably demote her to a cairen and would banish her to the cold palace, so she would never be able to have proper treatment and care causing her to lose her sanity, and with one Official Lady gone, it was easier to get favor and get promoted. And while Official Lady Huifang was in the cold palace she would slowly but surely be forgotten, and she would take that time to officially eliminate her, and disguise it as a suicide, and leaving absolutely no trace behind.

The plan was one of the best he has heard over the years, but unfortunately, Eunuch Wu blocked her. If she had been smarter and didn't look down on those who served her, she would probably be promoted to a Hereditary Consort right now, but because she impulsively killed someone, and thought that nobody would be able to do anything to her, she is now going to be punished severely. If she had regarded that she may have consequences for killing the maid she would've thought twice before doing so. He couldn't help but shake his head, the empress was correct. This Official Lady Lifen is smart but impulsive. Seeing that they reached Yue's Yard gate, he snapped out of his thoughts and got ready to finish his task.

"May Official Lady Lifen come outside!" Li Dani ordered as he took out the royal decree.

"O-our mistress is currently sick." A maid gathered the courage to say as she slowly opened the gate.

"If Official Lady Lifen doesn't come to us then we have no choice but to go see her right?" Li Dani said as a seemingly harmless smile appeared on his face.

"N-no need! I'll go get my mistress right now!" The maid ran without looking back as she hurriedly went and called her mistress.

A disheveled woman was seen hurrying approaching the gate a little while afterward. The sight of the consistently haughty Official Lady Lifen caught both the guards and Li Dani off guard. This Official Lady Lifen was unafraid to upset anyone and was like a proud peacock. She always dressed extravagantly and always took the greatest possible care of herself, but today her face appeared pale, her hair was untidy, and her lips were split; you could even see dry blood on the once-supple lips. She appeared to be insane at this moment.

"This concubine greets Head Servant Li, may I know why this concubine was called upon?" Official Lady Lifen's tone was very respectful. Li Dani was the empress's highest-ranked maid so his status was slightly above that of concubines. Plus his own background wasn't to be trifled with, so they could only bow their heads.

"The empress has sent forth his decree, so it is only my duty to read it to you." Li Dani responded with a plain voice, which scared Official Lady Lifen even more.

"May I please ask the reason behind the decree?" Official Lady Lifen seemed to get nervous at each and every word of Li Dani.

Completely ignoring Official Lady Lifen, Li Dani proceeded to read the decree out loud, "Official Lady Lifen, originally known as Wen Ju Fenfang, Di daughter of the Wen family. You are under arrest for attempted murder, prohibited substance use, corruption, and bribery. As a member of the royal family you have violated the conduct you should follow and will be rightfully punished. You will be demoted from an Official Lady to a Cairen Of Third Rank with the title Ya and will be banned to the cold palace to reflect for you misdeeds. Your family was aware and helped with your misdeeds so they will have to compensate two hundred thousand taels to Official Lady Huifang, the victim; And because you have ruined her current mental state your family will also be responsible for the cost of her treatment." Li Dani finished reading the decree and looked at the now trembling  Cairen Ya.

"W-wait! I didn't do anything-" Cairen Ya went into a fenzy and tried grab Li Dani. 

"Guards seize her!" Li Dani didn't want to waste his time and immediately ordered the guards as soon as he saw that she was going crazy. The guards complied right away and arrested Cairen Ya. Under the gazes of the fearful maids, Cairen Ya was dragged to the cold palace.

"What about the maid she colluded with?" One of the guards asked.

"Do not harm her. Give her her monthly salary and throw her out. A person like this cannot be kept in the palace. The empress had pity on her knowing she was a maid, and couldn't do anything but follow orders, so he gave her a chance to confess and save herself but she missed it and decided to do what profited her best. I want to see how well she does now that her master is done for." Li Dani sneered as he turned around to go to Baihe Yard.

"Hear the empress's decree!" Li Dani announced at the gate and immediately the maids came out to receive it since their mistress was currently unable to. "Official Lady Huifang has been wronged by this scheme and this empress feels very guilty. So, as compensation Official Lady Huifang will be promoted to A Hereditary Consort Of The Second Rank and will bestow the title Shuchun. Twenty five maids, and ten eunuch should be at her service starting from today. May Heriditaty Consort Shuchun recover quickly." The maids were dumfounded but the head maid still prolonged her hands to take the decree and thanked Li Dani.

Now that this matter was considered finished Li Dani turned around and headed back to the empress's palace. The day to welcome the two new concubines were pushed back for a month, and tomorrow was the day arranged for the two new concubines to enter so both him and the empress would be a bit busy this evening.

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