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I slept 8 hourse last night. Probably the longest, most peaceful sleep I've had in what.....almost 3 years? God, how long have I been sleep deprived for?

All the credit for this beautiful, dreamless sleep goes to my even more beautiful girlfriend. Lauren.

My girlfriend?

Yup. Definitely girlfriend. Abiet temporary but I'll take the win wherever I can get one. She promised to stay until I fell asleep because she has an early morning meeting with some chinese firm. And by early I mean literally 3 am because of the time difference. She probably slipped off later last night.

Taking a big stretch, my bones cracking happily after a much needed long sleep, all my muscles relaxed. With a sleepy grin on my face, I stroll down the short flight of stairs and to the kitchen.

Why is your first thought of food whenever you wake up?

Isn't everyone's? Your eyes open and all you want is someone to put food in your mouth.

I open the refrigerator to find a plate with 2 sandwiches wrapped in a plastic sheet. It has a little sticky note on it that says "I knew you'd come looking for food. I hope you accept this as an apology for slipping off last night."

I swoon.

Literal. Fucking. Swoon.

Who is the woman and how did I get so lucky that she's with me?

My eyes prickle with an onset of tears but I hurriedly blinked them away. I don't want to be one of those girls that cries everytime their partner does something nice for them. But this is literally the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a very long time. I feel cared for and that is something I've wanted my entire life.

Fuck it, I mutter to myself as a single tear rolls down my eyes.

Wiping it with the back of my sweatshirt sleeve, I blame the waterworks on my impending periods.
Which actually reminds me, that this is the 3rd time in a row that I've missed my periods. My menstrual cycle is a shitshow. My doctor prescribed me with some oral contraceptive pills to help make my periods regular but it ended up making me agigated and nausea all the time. Not to mention the weight gain.

Then it's a relief you're dating a girl, right?

God knows how stressful it would've been missing a period after I've been sexing up a guy. Little joys of life.

I dive straight into the sandwiches Lauren prepared for me, in the middle of the fucking night, and sigh with satisfaction. A sandwich has never tasted this good.

My phone rings just as I'm finishing up the crumbs. It's Bea.

"Heya Bi-yatch." Her cheerful voice blares into my ears as soon as I pick up the phone.

"You're awfully cheerful this morning. "

"It's a beautiful day, Ammy-girl. And also I might have banged someone last night who put me in an awesome mood."

"Good for you girl."

"Ask me who it was. No, wait, guess."

"Is it from that 'bang before leaving for college' list guys?" I ask and she uh-huhs in agreement. If you know Bea, you know how religiously she followed these weird lists she makes. And this particular one sat in her priority list.

"Ummm...that college guy Jake?" She makes a sound which is supposed to resemble a America's Got Talent buzzer.

"The ice cream parlor guy. What's his name?" It's this cute little guy with light brown hair from what I can remember. And we've been going to the same parlor for 2 summers and he worked there.

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