Introduction to the Tribes of Prassinia

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DESCRIPTION: Lots of different coloured scales, but commonly white and/or silver; a long line that glows any colour, the same with their eyes; black horns and spikes

ABILITIES: They have stingers on their wrists that can inject another being with an electric shock or a deadly poison that is referred as Virus

QUEEN: Queen Apple


DESCRIPTION: Scales can be one colour, with some slight shades of the colour

ABILITIES: If they have multiple coloured scales, they have mind reading

QUEEN: Queen Sangria


DESCRIPTION: Commonly brown scales, sometimes white and/or black; have leaf-like sails down their spine which are green most of the time, sometimes they have pine needles or no leaves, sometimes leaves with flowers

ABILITIES: They have the ability to control plant roots

QUEEN: Queen Maple


DESCRIPTION: Scales can be any colour(s), and their legs are green

ABILITIES: They have no known ability other than they are able to identify flowers and other things by their good sense of smell

QUEEN: Queen Dahlia


DESCRIPTION: They can have a lot of different colours, but they commonly have gray/blue scales; smooth sail that goes down their spine, two fins on the end of their tails, webbed talons

ABILITIES: They can breathe underwater, as well as speak underwater

QUEEN: Queen Angelfish

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