Chapter 17 - Prince North

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North watched the heavy rain land on the grass and soak all the trees.

Recently, Queen Maple had died from a battle with the HueWings and ThunderWings, meaning the TreeWings had lost the war.

But this means that there no longer will be attacks in the TreeWing territory, so it's basically a safe place to stay at.

North heard the new queen yelling at her guards. She's tougher and stricter than Queen Maple, he thought. North decided to investigate what's going on, so he quietly approached the sound.

But then he found out that she hadn't been yelling at her guards - she was yelling at some of the Academy's staff.

Queen Birch just then stomped away from them and headed out in the rain, flying towards the mountains where the Hidden Tribes Academy was.

North stepped out of his hiding spot and walked up to the two assistant teachers, Chestnut and Binturong.

Chestnut was a LeafWing and a strong leader, he could easily lead a tribe all by himself. Binturong, on the other hand, was a RainWing who was more quiet but clever.

"Are you guys okay?" North asked them.

"Yeah... but Queen Birch doesn't want any foreigners in her territory," Chestnut answered with a sigh.

North's eyes widened. "Really? What will happen to the others in the academy?"

"We don't know quite yet," Chestnut answered, "But lets get there to find out."

North, Chestnut, and Binturong ran outside of the palace and quickly flew over to the mountains. North noticed that Queen Birch was now entering the cave with two of her guards.

"C'mon! Lets go!" Chestnut said.

The three dragons glided down and landed roughly in front of the entrance. They quickly walked in to see Queen Birch sitting where Queen Maple would always sit when she had important things to tell her students and teachers. Teachers where bringing out the students and making them sit in front of the new queen.

Once all the students and teacher were there, Queen Birch spoke.

"You all should by now know that I am the new TreeWing queen. And since I'm not like my mother, I don't want to see you in my territory ever again."

Small chattering and whispering started going around the crowd. The dragonets seemed worried and afraid.

"If you don't leave by tomorrow," Queen Birch continued, "I will kill whoever is still here."

The teachers went silent and looked at each other, while the students were even more scared. North looked at Citrus and Violet who seemed fearful and unsure of what to do.

"Decide what you want to do. I don't care what, just get out of here," Queen Birch snarled.

No one has any idea of what to do, North thought as he watched the dragons sit in silence. I have to do something.

North took a step forward and spoke.

"I will take them away, your majesty. I will lead them to a better place to stay."

Everyone looked at North, in silence but seeming full of hope.

"Good. If I see any of you here, you're dead," Queen Birch said and flew out of the cave.

"Prince North, are you sure you can lead us to somewhere better?" Jay asked, a SilkWing who was also an assistant teacher.

"Yes. I am sure. I used to be part of a prophecy and I know how to lead a group. Even after all of my friends' deaths, I have come back smarter and stronger," North said with confidence.

"Alright, Prince North," Chestnut said, "We trust you then."

"Everyone! Get all your things that are important! We are leaving as soon as possible!" North shouted as he spread his wings.

Dragons and dragonets ran into their caves and collected as many items as they could, and soon enough, everyone was ready to leave the mountains.

"It will be hard to fly, and it might be a long flight, but if we want to take breaks we will have to rest on the damp grass. If our wings hurt too much, then we might take a break," North said. "Lets go!"

They took off and flew towards the south, where he knew was a large cave between a mountain range.

The dragons have been flying for a little while now.

We're halfway there, North thought. If he looked back he would see the former academy. But his focus was ahead, where he could see mountains.

The rain was still hitting their wings, and it started getting a bit windy, so it was quite hard to fly.

Eventually they finally reached the mountains and they flew down into a large cave system inside one of the tallest mountains. The cave was not larger than the former academy, but it was still big enough to fit a hundred dragons.

"This," North declared, "Is the new academy."

The dragons explored the caves and North organised which cave is which: like a science cave, a music cave, and things like that.

Then he remembered something. Something that was here.

Actually, more like someone.

"One moment," he said to Chestnut.

North leaped out of the cave and flew over to a small hole not that far from the new academy.

Then he peeked inside and he saw the five dragonets that he talked to one time when he was exploring.

"Hey again! It's me, Prince North," he said to them.

"Hi," River said. "...What are you doing here with a herd of dragons?"

"When Queen Maple died, her daughter took over and she kicked the entire academy out. So I lead them here."

Their eyes widened.

"Queen Maple died? How?" Poppy asked with shock.

"Not too long ago, the HueWings and ThunderWings battled with the TreeWings and the WindWings. The TreeWings lost and are now out of the war," North answered.

"Oh," Macaw said, seeming surprised.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to join the academy. There's more space and lots of caves," North offered.

Macaw and Dreamchaser looked at each other, and then she nodded. "Yes, we will join the academy."

"Great! Follow me," North smiled and flew over to the academy, having the five dragonets fly after him. They landed in the cave entrance and shook the rain off of their wings.

"We have new students," North announced.

A few dragons approached the five dragonets and started talking to them.

North smiled and then flew out of the cave. He flew to the snowy top of the tallest mountain and sat on it, looking at the sky.

"I miss you, Monarch. I miss you so much. But I am doing great now. Tell the others I love them, especially Bluet," He said, trying to hold back tears. "I think I will do well soon. I can just feel it."

He stared at the sky for a little while longer and he flew back down, into the cave.

Time to be the best I've ever been.

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