Chapter 12 - Queen Lightweaver & Queen Maple

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Queen Lightweaver inhaled a sharp breath of the cold air. The Nightwing had just gone off somewhere in the distance. "Guys down there," Queen Brightshine shouted. "OK let's go," Queen Abyss called back. The queens dove down in a perfect V formation. They landed in the main square of the palace. "Uh hi," Queen Lightweaver said nervously. The dragon standing closest to her had big wings and a powerful built body.

"Hello," she said as she let go of the tiny dragon she had pinned, "perhaps we should start with the introduction." The queens where:

Queen Apple of the Techwings,

Queen Maple of the Treewings,

Queen Dahlia of the Bloomwings,

Queen Sangria of the HueWings,

and Queen Angelfish of the FishWings.

Lightweaver shivered in the cold. They had just shared the things about their tribes. One thing Lightweaver noticed was that even though the queens acted normal she could see tension between them. I wonder if there is something they are not telling us. "Guys," Queen Windswift said, "maybe we should share a map of our continents."

"Sounds good to me," Lightweaver called out. She learned that the lost continent was called Prassinia. All of a sudden dragons started swooping in from behind the snow capped mountains from all directions. "Uh guys what's all the dragons for," Abyss said nervously.

"Oh it's just protection," Maple said with a funny laugh. Yup there is definitely something they are not telling us, Lightweaver thought suspiciously. The guards, or army, stationed themselves all around the palace like vicious bloodhounds looking at prey in a cage. Suddenly a black shape blotted out the sun. All heads turned up and Lightweaver realized it was the Nightwing. "Queens of Prassinia it's not kind to keep your visitors in the dark." As Lightweaver looked up she saw the Nightwings eyes seizing up the crowd. As it passed to a black dragon, she saw a flicker of mixed emotions, surprise, shock and maybe... love and guilt? "Are you accusing us," Sangria called out haughtily.

"Yes I am," the dragon said calmly, "but if you won't tell them I will."

. . .

Queen Maple watched the black dragon hover in front of the sun. It seemed like she was a tough warrior. Maybe she could join the academy, Maple thought. She could kind of tell that it was not a dragon from Prassinia, but instead a dragon from Pyrrhia. Because of the colours, she guessed it was a NightWing.

"As some of you know, the war in Prassinia about the Sapphire of Power started not so long ago. The queens will be alliances," the mysterious dragon said.

"We know," Queen Apple called.

"I know you know," the NightWing replied, while staring at the five queens of Prassinia. "You will be battling to see if you can prove yourselves as the strongest queen in Prassinia, and the last one alive will be the victorious one."

"Who are our alliances then?" Queen Dahlia asked.

The NightWing landed in front of the queens smoothly. "Queen Dahlia, you're working with Queen Amethyst, the leader of the StoneWings," she answered while pointing at the StoneWing queen with her wing. Queen Dahlia walked to her and sat next to Queen Amethyst, giving her a welcoming smile. Queen Dahlia has always been welcoming to everyone, Queen Maple thought.

"Queen Angelfish," the black dragon continued, "your alliance is Queen Abyss and the WaterWings." Queen Angelfish did the same as Queen Dahlia, except without the smile, but instead a "it's nice to work with you".

The mysterious NightWing cleared her throat. "Queen Apple, you're with Queen Lightweaver. You, Queen Sangria, you're working with Queen Brightshine." Both queens repeated the same movements as Queen Dahlia and Queen Angelfish.

"And finally, Queen Maple, you're alliancing with Queen Windswift."

Queen Maple stood and walked over to the queen of the WindWings. She gave her a small bow and looked back at the dragon.

. . .

"There will be a force that will join the war," the Nightwing continued with a whispery voice. "They will be more powerful than you could ever imagine." What is she talking about, Lightweaver thought confused. From the faces in the crowd she knew they were probably thinking the same thing. "My name is Futureseer the only Nightwing with powers more powerful than Clearsight. Beware the second force that will join the war. Their name is... De-" but before she could finish her sentence a lighting-bolt shot out of the sky and hit her square in the chest. In a blink of and eye she turned into a pile of ashes. "Well, now we're officially at war," Queen Maple said in a menacing voice. And all of a sudden the palace erupted into chaos.

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