Introduction to the Tribes of Persaria

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DESCRIPTION: Distorted, constantly flickering scales; males have black-yellow scales, females have pink-purple scales

ABILITIES: They can create illusions; a rare ability is that they can put illusion into dragons' mind, making them believe the illusion. An extremely rare ability is when they can also take a lot of light from the illusion and put it into someone's brain until there is too much and they die (during this the dragon has a completely white eye)

QUEEN: Queen Lightweaver


DESCRIPTION: Gray scales with some yellow ones here and there

ABILITIES: They beat their wings together, causing a thunder like clap and a shockwave to form; anyone in a ten mile radius can get knocked off balance if they're flying, and anyone in a five mile radius will get temporarily deaf. Thunderwings are immune to these ailments. Rare ability is that a dragon is born with an electric tail tip, able to electrocute.

QUEEN: Queen Brightshine


DESCRIPTION: Usually white, gray, or other pale colours

ABILITIES: Their breath consists of extremely powerful winds; extremely agile flyers and incredible eyesight

QUEEN: Queen Windswift


DESCRIPTION: Commonly rocky toned scales with flecks of minerals/crystals, but a rarer type is crystal coloured scales

ABILITIES: Sharp claws and a petrifying blast

QUEEN: Queen Amethyst


DESCRIPTION: Colors come in shades of dark oceanic like tones, bigger than the Pyrrhian seawing

ABILITIES: They have the ability to shoot boiling water out of their mouths, and talk underwater

QUEEN: Queen Abyss

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