Chapter 15 - Queen Apple

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Queen Apple looked at herself in the mirror, making sure she was wearing all of the jewellery she could find in her drawers.

Then she stepped out of her room and flew down into her throne room to see Queen Lightweaver waiting for her with two of her guards.

"Wow," Queen Lightweaver said in awe, "you look stunning!"

"Thank you," Queen Apple replied. "Are you ready?"

"Yup!" she answered.

"Good, lets go."

The two queens flew down into the sea of houses and checked if the main road had everything. And it did, there was lots of food and many toys for the dragonets to play with. The town with the main road had been decorated very nicely with warm lamps and many flowers.

"Alright, everything is set. Time for my speech," Queen Apple said as she flew back to the entrance of the palace where there was a ledge.

Queen Apple and Queen Lightweaver sat at the edge with guards from both kingdoms nearby.

Queen Apple cleared her throat and spread her wings, almost covering Queen Lightweaver.

"Greetings, everyone," Queen Apple begun. "I am glad that you have come to celebrate our enemy's death, whose name is Queen Maple.

"I had always wanted to kill her myself, but she went down a different way. At least now we don't have to deal with her anymore.

"Now, about the war; since the TreeWings and WindWings have lost, we will only have to defeat the other three forces.

"Let the TechWings win and be the best tribe of Prassinia!" She stretched her wings farther and higher, making the crowd below cheer.

"Lets go down to them," Queen Apple said and dove down to the road full of dragons, making Queen Lightweaver follow.

"Alright everybody! Lets eat!" Apple announced.

Everyone started grabbing food while the queens went to the large cake that was made by Queen Apple's most professional baker.

She watched her royal butler cut two pieces and put them on to separate plates that had nice designs on them.

"Thank you, Twitch," Queen Apple said to him and took the two plates. She flew up to the ledge again and gave one to Queen Lightweaver. They started eating their dessert and chatting.

"Wow! This cake... it's absolutely delicious!" Queen Lightweaver exclaimed.

"Yeah, I asked my best baker to make the tastiest cake he can," Queen Apple responded.

"One second," Queen Lightweaver said and left her plate on the clean marble. She flew down to the cake again.

Is she getting extra? Queen Apple thought.

She watched her return with three plates of cake and hand them to her guards.

Why is she giving her guards cake? They should always be on lookout, she thought again.

"Sorry, I just wanted to give some to my guards. They deserve it," Queen Lightweaver said with a smile.

"...Alright," Queen Apple replied.

Then she heard a large TechWing walk up from behind her.

She turned around to see her husband, King Google.

"Hey!" Queen Apple greeted him warmly.

"Hi darling, how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm feeling great, now that Queen Maple's gone," Queen Apple answered.

"I'm glad to hear," he said and nudged her.

"Hello there! I'm Queen Lightweaver, you are...?"

"I'm Google, Apple's husband and the king of the TechWings."

Queen Apple let them talk and went to check on her dragonets.

She heard their voices from the royal wingery, so she walked in to see her sons play fighting, her oldest daughter sitting on a stone ledge and drawing on a scroll, and her two other daughters talking with each other.

"Hi!" She said to them, which made them turn their heads to her instantly.

Queen Apple flew down into the bottom of the wingery as her dragonets gathered around her.

"Why did you have to keep us awake?" Princess Snapchat asked sleepily.

"Queen Maple died today, that's why," Queen Apple answered. "It's a very special moment.

"You can go to bed if you want... unless you want cake," Queen Apple grinned.

They all started chanting 'Me! Me! Me!' and she took them outside to get a slice of cake.

"You guys can eat it wherever you want, just don't leave the palace," Queen Apple said.

Her dragonets flew back inside and disappeared.

Queen Apple sighed and walked to Queen Lightweaver who was talking to her guards. She also noticed that her husband had flown down to talk to his citizens and to his guests.

"I guess this is a great way for our tribes to meet each other," Queen Lightweaver said.

"Yup," Queen Apple answered.

Then a guard came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"What is it, Skype?" Queen Apple asked him.

"A herd of dragons are coming this way," Skype said, pointing at the dark figures flying towards them with lots of colourful ones.

"The BloomWings..." Queen Apple said under her breath.

We are going under attack now? At our celebration? Seriously? Queen Apple thought with annoyance.

Queen Apple leaped into the air and hovered in front of the palace, looking down at the crowd.

"Prepare yourselves for attack," she boomed, "the BloomWings and StoneWings are coming!"

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