Chapter 9 - Queen Apple

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The air was cold, and the sun was rising.

Yesterday, all five queens of Prassinia had gotten a message from the dragonets, the ones who told them about the alliances, that they were gonna finally meet them at the Queen Meeting palace the next day.

Apple was unsure, but she still decided to come to the meeting anyway. The dragonets are going to be there, too, since Queen Maple had ordered them to come.

"Mother?" someone from behind said.

"Hey, darling. What do you need?" Apple asked her oldest daughter, Princess Disney.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Disney asked curiously.

"I'm going to a Queen meeting," she responded.

"Oh, why?"

"Haven't you heard? Tomorrow we are meeting our alliances," Apple said cheerfully.

"Really? Nice! What is their tribe called?" Disney asked with a smile.

"I'm not sure," Apple answered.

"Okay, have fun," Disney said and went back to her room.

Apple exhaled and went back to what she was doing.

She started thinking of a traitor she once had. His name was Tesla, and was the father of Nasa, the future-telling TechWing/NightWing hybrid. Queen Apple and Queen Maple came together to kill Nasa's parents brutally in front of her. Queen Maple had brought the mother, Destinykeeper, while Apple waited with Tesla and Nasa for them to arrive. The deaths were very gory, blood spilling from their stomachs, machines stretching their limbs, and being tied to the wall while there was a fire burning underneath them, all at the same time.

Good times.

. . .

It was early in the evening, Apple was telling a bed time story to her youngest dragonets, Princess TikTok and Prince Adobe.

"And then they lived happily ever after," Apple said. "The end."

She smiled and silently said good night to them.

Apple left their room and headed to her bedroom.

She closed the door behind her and went to her balcony. She watched the stars glittering in the big night sky.

She decided to sleep early tonight, because tomorrow was a big day.

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