Chapter 1 - Queen Lightweaver

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Sometimes Lightweaver thought she wasn't the right dragon to be queen, what kind of queen couldn't even sleep! Then again in her defense there was a giant THUNDERSTORM outside. In the end the queen of illusionwings got up and did what she always did WHEN STUPID THUNDERSTORMS DID NOT LET HER SLEEP: she went to the library. Even though it would show a symbol of weakness if the queen did that Lightweaver still bent the rules. She had just sat down when lightning illuminated a dark figure in the distance. What kind of dragon would fly in this weather, she wondered? But all of a sudden she saw the dragon had bat like wings not the gentle curves illusionwings had. "I better go investigate" she said as she put her book neatly in the book shelf and headed toward the door. She was flying in the rain in no time at all, the rain felt like rock against her wings as she flew toward the black shape in the distance, "how bad can it get" she told herself as she approached the dragon. But her question was answered as she saw the dragon in the light of a lightning bolt. It was not a dragon of Persaria at all. Then the dragon looked up and whispered "I knew you'd come Queen Lightweaver."

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