Chapter 3 - Queen Lightweaver

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"Okay hold up" Lightweaver said to the strange dragon "you can't just say that without an explanation." "I am a dragon from another continent, farther than The continent that neighbors you. Much farther." At this point Lightweaver was shivering to death, "why don't I bring you to my palace instead of staying in a freezing cold thunderstorm" Lightweaver suggested? "I have been hostage before and I'm not falling for that again" the dragon whispered darkly. "I promise I will not keep you hostage" Lightweaver reassured the dragon. "Ok I will come with you but trust me. I'm deadlier than I look."

Lightweaver pointed to the towering palace in the distance, "we fly there." As they headed toward the palace the strange dragon said "don't bother hiding your guards Queen." Lightweaver glanced back at the dragon her face a mix of shock & surprise "how did you know?"

"That is a secret I'm not willing to share"

The dragon said mysteriously. "I demand you tell me dragon, or else" the queen said threateningly. The dragon just looked at her, her face emotionless and whispered; "patience."

As they landed on the visitors pavilion jutting out like a rock ledge in a mountain, Lightweaver finally asked the question she had been bursting to ask, "what is your name?" The dragon looked at her and said

"the name is a powerful thing..."

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