Chapter 18 - Queen Brightshine

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Wow it's like stepping into a world of colors, Brightshine thought as she and Sangria flew over the forest and meadows of the Color kingdom. Back in the thunder kingdom she was used to seeing just white, gray and occasionally the yellowish tinge of the grass. It had been a day's flight from the Queen Meeting Palace but now they were finally there. She had to admit she did not expect that fight at the Meeting coming. Well me, my soldiers and my ally are alive and that's all that matters.

"So there's the place that we gather for the 2 moon festival," Sangria said. "When 2 full moons we gather on top of the mountain and feast." Interesting, Brightshine thought as she looked at the huge mountain cradling the palace. "And in the palace we throw a party for the nobility when it's 1 full moon," Sangria said. "And tonight is a special night because there's 3 full moons which means there's going to be a festival and dancing and a surprise for your tribe," she said with a smile. "I can't wait," Brightshine said genuinely shocked.

Back in the palace Brightshine walked with Sangria to the battle room to discuss the ongoing war. As they walked through the giant oak doors Brightshine gazed around the room. It was a fairly large room covered in maps, weapons and small wooden dragons to represent the troops stationed around the kingdom. "I think we should attack the the Tech and Illusionwings," Brightshine said. "They're the only dragons we can attack giving the Fish and Waterwings live underwater."

"I think that's a good-" Sangria was cut off as a dragon burst into the room. "I have news Your majesties. The Flower and Stonewings attacked the Tech and Illusionwings."

"So did they win?" Brightshine asked the spy eagerly. "Surprisingly they didn't," He said.

"So then the kingdom we should attack is Tech Kingdom. They've been doing nothing, lurking in the shadows and now they've managed to defeat a Flower and Stonewing attack," said Queen Sangria.

"I agree," said Brightshine. "But if this plan is to carry out successfully we must begin training."

 Sangria nodded her head in agreement as she told the scout to deliver the new training exercise to both tribe's militaries. After flying over the two training armies, Sangria lead Brightshine to another room in the palace. Brightshine still couldn't wrap her head around how big the castle actually was. I get having a big palace, but this is like a kingdom inside of a palace, Brightshine thought. As the Queen of the Huewings lead Brightshine through the maze of corridors Brightshine could not help but ask, "where are we going?"

"You'll see," Sangria responded without looking back. Finally they arrived at a huge doorway adorned with precious gems and gold. As the two guards stationed there opens the double doors Brightshine was feeling kind of let down. Instead of a mystical treasure room or something of that sort, she was greeted with a gigantic room with nothing in it but a large pedestal on which sat a plump velvet cushion. "This is where I am going to keep the Sapphire when I get it." Sangria said in a sing song voice. As Brightshine took a moment to register that one entire room was for a gem she started to feel... confusion. Is this war really worth all the bloodshed?

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