Before we begin!

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Hey y'all! Before we begin, I just want to clarify a couple of things.

1. I do not support J. K. Rowling's views on trans people and "feminism", nor do I support any other gender-critical activist. I say this as a person seeking equality for all people but discriminating against those who are different from you is taking walking in the wrong direction.

2. On that note, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination are not allowed here. If you are one of the things listed above, please leave.

3. There might be a little violence later in the book, as well as some death, but blame the war, not me.

4. I will not be writing any lemon, unless it's the actual citrus.

5. The pronouns used for the reader will be written as she/her, but you can change them to your preferred pronouns, as well as which dorm you would sleep in (even if that would just be in the common room since there is no current gender-neutral dorms).

6. For simplicities sake, I'm making the reader a Hufflepuff. If you really want to, you could put yourself in another house, but that could lead to confusion.

7. Fredmione will be present instead of Romione, simply because I am the author and you gotta deal with it! [Insert I'M THE AVATAR meme]

8. I haven't read the books in a while, so I'll either be trusting Goggle or my terrible memory... Please don't kill me.

9. This is my first fanfic ever, so I have no idea what I'm doing!

10. If there any spelling or grammatical mistakes, blame this person named Kit. He's my friend, and so I blame him for everything. Anyway, go check him out on Ao3 at KitWayne for mass-murder fanfics.

11. I swear that I'm not actually this serious. I'm actually an incredibly sarcastic individual. I blame being Canadian.

12. Yes. I like Genshin Impact, and will be adding memes. Deal with with. 

13. I do not own the Harry Potter, but I will be adding characters because there ain't enough Hufflepuffs. 

14. This is not proof read. Why? I'm lazy.

Now that we have all of that out of the way, LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

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