Chapter 14 - I Swear It Wasn't the Angry Cat

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Hermione POV, a week or so later


Well, I guess hate is a strong word, but Ronald is so infuriating!

Always blaming me for things that aren't even my fault.

Crookshanks is a cat, and cat eat mice. Especially if one is as cowardly and useless as Scabbers was!

And then there's Harry 'oH i'M sO SPeciAl' Potter, always siding with him!

First the suspicious Firebolt, and now the as-good-as-dead rat?!

I was looking out for him! For both of them!

At least, that's what's going through my head as I rant to the one person who will actually listen to me: Y/n.

Whether I like it or not, she'll hardly ever choose a side if she's not directly involved in an argument and will (try to) help me clear my head when I'm angry.

So today, I sought her out, and she let me ramble on about this to her in my dorm.

"'Mione, you have every right to be angry at Ron for blowing up, as well as being mad at Harry for siding with him. And even though I don't think Crookshanks ate that rat, I know you can see how Ron would think that," my friend said when I finished my rambling.

"But," she continued, "that doesn't justify why he kept going on about how Crookshanks is evil and all that. Your cat is an animal, and so his instincts would be to hunt smaller, weaker animals.

Not to mention that if the tables were turned, Ronald would probably be defending the cat, while you would try to blame it. It's like I always say, never trust a rat, since they're the perfect underdogs."

I sighed. Of course she had to come up with a logical explanation. Except of course the last part about rats being dogs. That made no sense.

"Oh, and one last thing. I already have George and Fred trying to get Ron and Harry to see to reason. You're welcome."

"How in-"

Y/n just chuckled. "I have my ways."

Fred POV

I don't know how 'Mione didn't notice when Y/n told George and I what happened rather aggressively, but Little Miss Smarty Pants did seem pretty upset.

Which was not okay.

Unfortunately, my littlest brother was also livid. Which means that nothing would calm him down anytime soon.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was." Since my brother didn't explode, I deemed it safe to continue. "And he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly - one swallow - he probably didn't feel a thing."

"FRED!" Oh no, an annoyed Ginny is worse than a mad Ron. George and I raised her well.

The rest of trying to calm Ron down was anticlimactic, save for hearing how that dead-weight bit Goyle once. Soon enough, Harry dragged his friend down to the Quidditch field, and George and I were on our way to check on the girls.

Who were of course still in the girls' dorms, so we couldn't enter.



I swear, that I'll at least try to update more often on weekends.

Anyway, is anyone else still dressing up for Hallowe'en this year? I'm going as Azula from ATLA, since no one can tell me that I'm too old for free candy.

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