Chapter 20 - I know they're hot but DO NOT JUMP

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--- Time Skip brought to you in part by: The author not liking Bagman or Crouch, as well as Season 2 Episode 7 of Demon Slayer leaving the author more depressed than they were before (if you know, you know). ---

Hermione POV

"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"

I looked down from my seat, only to see multiple women walk out onto the field.

"Bulgaria's mascots are... women?" Y/n turned to me confused. No, that couldn't be right. That would just be problematic. Plus, something about them looked... inhuman. As if each one had been blessed by Aphrodite.

I racked my brain for which species they might be, when suddenly I felt someone beside me stand up.

"Harry?" He just ignored me with a blissful look on his face. I looked around only to see the rest of the boys in our group with similar expressions. Including... I narrowed my eyes and let tried to let the thought pass.

Instead I turned back to the boy beside me. "Harry, what are you doing?" Again, I was ignored. I was going to try one more time when I felt Y/n get up too.


"One second, be right back," my friend said as she walked off to the twins' (who were looking over the edge) and grabbed their heads. "Oi! Wake up before you jump over the railing you buffoons! I'm not going to have you literally fall for some random women, no matter how pretty they are!"

"Huh? What just- Y/n?" one of the twins asked confused as the Hufflepuff started scolding them both.

I grumbled to myself as I grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him back to his seat.

Aside from that... situation at the beginning, the overall game was quite entertaining.

Y/n came back beside me, and we cheered the whole way through. I'd say the overall best bit was when the magical ladies, whom I'd finally identified as veela, lost control and changed forms.

Mr. Weasley had said this great bit about never going for looks alone, and my best friend replied with "Which is why you should go after Hermione and I! We've got brains and looks!"

--- Time skip to the end of the game because I can ---

Reader POV

"I'm sorry what?!" You couldn't believe your eyes. "Why in Merlin are you two gambling!"

The twins just grinned at you. "Well,"

"Let's just say,"

"we have big plans,"

"and this is,"

"our first step,"

"to greatness!"

You stared at George and Fred, and face palmed.

When you all got back to the tent, you went straight to the girl's room.

"Have fun debating the Cup, but I'm going to bed," you said, walking off to the girls' shared room and to the bottom bunk, before drifting off to sleep.


HI! I'm alive :D

Sorry for the long wait y'all. I was busy with the end of school, overall lack of motivation and no idea how to write this chapter. Which is probably why it's a bit choppy, so sorry about that :,)

But seeing that people actually read my story make my day, and positivity is something I've needed lately. Heck, we all need a bit more positivity in our lives.

Ok, enough heart-filled, um, words..?

Anyway, I'll be trying to update more often (I'm setting a goal for at least 1 chapter a week), and I mean it this time.




This Isn't a Joke (George Weasley x  Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin