Chapter 11 - OOooOOOOooO

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Reader POV

When exams were cancelled, you were beyond relived.

Sure, you had studied and all that, but that didn't mean you liked exams.

Hermione on the other hand was acting like it was the end of the world.

"I can't believe they canceled them!" your friends would huff.

To anyone who didn't know her, they'd think that the bushy-haired girl actually liked taking the tests. Which was true of course, but you knew that she was actually mad that she'd spent so much time studying, only for it to end up wasted.

That's fair, you thought.

Finally, the last day of school came, and you spend half of the day with your Hufflepuff friends, and the other half with your friends from Gryffindor.

You made the best of it, listening to Megan and Ari's gossip, practicing spells with Hannah, Susan, and Ernie, and playing Exploding Snap with the twins.

When the day came to go home, you decided to tag along with the Gryffindors, which turned out to be a great idea, mostly because you got to hear Ginny spill the beans.

"Oh, that," Ginny giggled when Harry asked about Percy's secret. "Well, Percy's actually got a girlfriend."

Fred dropped his stack of books on George's head (which was funny since the two were the same height).

"Wait, what?! How'd that bloke get a girlfriend before me?"

When the train slowed to a stop, Harry handed you a piece of parchment.

"This is called a telephone number," he explained to Ron, writing the number trice. "I told your dad how to use a telephone last summer, so hopefully he'll know. Call me at the Dursleys', okay? I can't stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to..."

As the boy handed you your piece, you flipped it over, wrote you mum's number twice and teared the paper in half.

"'Mione and I can share that piece, so here's my mum's number. Call her saying you're a friend from school if you ever need me to beat someone up."

Hermione elbowed you in the ribs for that last part, but you had meant it. Which, to be honest, is why she elbowed you in the first place.

---Time Skip brought to you by Errol almost dying again---

It had only been a month, and you had already received twelve phone calls from the Weasley's.

The first few times it was Ron asking Harry if he was doing it right (which you told him yes, but he was yelling, and that it was you, not scar-boy).

The nine times after that, it was Fred and George calling you, asking how everything was, how was Hermione, if you knew if Harry was okay, and what the use of a McDonalds was.

Well, today when twins called, it was to tell you that they were going to Egypt for the rest of the summer.

"What?! You're leaving me?" you teased. "Well, at least get me a mummy's treasure."

"Of course, love," George had said. You had rolled your eyes at the younger twin but smiled all the same.

When you broke the news to Hermione, she went on a full rampage about ancient magic and blah blah blah.

When you told her that you doubted that they were going there to study, she just went on another rampage, just this time on the telephone.

"Fredrick Weasley, when you get back you better have learnt one thing from your trip or else! Yes George, you too! And Ronald! And it'd be nice if Ginny learnt something too. No, I don't care if Percy learns anything, this isn't about him!"

She stayed on the line for quite a while, and you mostly heard her telling Fred to study something or another.

Why is she putting so much effort into trying to get Fred to learn? She only does it that much to me, but I'm her best friend. So that either means that she has a new bestie, or-

"Hermione! I need to talk to you!" You poked your friend in the back.



"Because is not an answer, Y/n/n (your nick name)."

Ugh, fine!

You took the phone out of your friend's hand telling Fred a quick "Gotta talk to her, bye!" before hanging up.

Dragging Hermione by the wrist, you took her to your room and sat down on your bed. "So 'Mione," you started, smirking at her. "Do you, by any chance, like a certain Fredrick Weasley?"

Hermione POV

"Uh! No! I mean- Excuse me?! No!" What was Y/n talking about?

I did not have a crush on that boy.

"Hmm, are you sure, 'Mione? Cause your face is pretty red."

I shook my head vigorously. No, my face was not red. It was just hot in here. Yeah, it was the middle of summer, so that made sense.

Y/n just laughed. "Girl, I saw the way you were talking to him on the phone. You only talk about studying like that to me, so either you've replaced me and found a new best friend, or you like a certain ginger."

Oh Godric, that made sense! Wait, NO! I did NOT like Fred Weasley like that.

"It's not like that! I mean, sure he's funny and surprisingly smart and handso-I MEAN not exactly ugly, but I don't have a crush on him!"

Y/n looked at me with knowing eyes, trying hard not to laugh.

"I don't!" I said. If I didn't admit it to myself, then it clearly wasn't the truth.

"OoOOOoOooo, okay 'Mione. Just know that I support you, m'kay?"

I put my face in my hand, trying to hide my embarrassment. Oh God, my face was hot.

I didn't even notice when Y/n left the room and came back up with a glass of water.

"Drink," she told me. "It'll help you cool down. And then we can discuss your little crush."


Once again, I'm not dead. Well, I am on the inside since school starts tomorrow and I have P.E first class T-T.

On a separate note, Hermione's denial to having a crush is much like what I'm feeling now. I've only ever liked fictional people, but that might have changed...

I don't know, I've never been good with my emotions, and being demi-romantic doesn't help that much.

Anyway, since school is back in, I'll probably only have time to update on the weekends, but I'll try to do a few chapters per update. Or I'll mess up my sleep schedule even more.

Also, thank you to everyone who's read this story! We're at 140 views, and I find that kind of crazy!

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