Chapter 22 - At least you held hands?

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September 1st

Reader POV

It had been nearly a week since the World Cup Incident, yet you still felt shaken.

Even retelling what happened to Susan, Hannah, Megan, and Ari while on the Express made you feel sick.

"Well, on the bright side at least you got to hold George's hand?" Megan smiled at you, trying to lighten the mood a little. Ari let out a little laugh while Susan just sighed.

You blushed "I- Meg now you're making it sound weird-" Megan just smirked, happy to see you flustered rather than disgusted.


Short I know, but my brain ain't braining for this part of GoF T-T

Looking back at it, it's literally a paragraph, but oh well-

Also, if you've been keeping up with this story and forgot who Megan Jones and Arianna Ware are (to be fair I haven't mentioned either since like chapter 13), they're Y/n's Hufflepuff roommates and friends along Susan and Hannah.

Gods I hate that I can't put emojis here with my computer-

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