Chapter 5 - And a Bunch of Other Stuff Happens

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Reader POV

"Your kidding?" This was insanity. It was only last night that the troll had made it into Hogwarts, but a lot had changed.

Well, not a lot, but Hermione Granger was now friends with Harry and Ron, which was something that you never thought would happen. And the way that it did happen made even less sense.

The two idiot boys had taken down the fricken mountain troll, something that two first years shouldn't have been able to do. Then there was the fact that Hermione had lied to her Head of House to make sure that only she got in trouble.

"I swear that I'm not," your friends said taking another bite of her sandwich. "You can ask them yourself."

"We're right here, you know!"

"Oh shut it Ronald, I believe her." You rolled your eyes as the redhead grumbled and laughed when George repeated your words.

After finishing your own food and saying bye to Mione (you loved to see the boys faces when you left without saying anything to them), you returned to the Hufflepuff table for the rest of the lunch hour.

--Time Skip brought to you by me not knowing what to write---

When the Snitch came out of Harry's mouth, you were both surprised and a little grossed out. Did they use the same Snitch each time, or did they change it for the next game?

You asked Harry as much on the way to Hagrid's hut, but the boy seemed to be thinking about something else. Neglect.

But it made a bit more sense when the bite on Snape's leg was brought up. "He tried to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween. It bit him. We think he was trying to steal whatever it's guarding," Harry explained.

Wait, what three-headed dog?

"How'd you know about Fluffy?" Hagrid asked dropping his teapot.

"Hold up! Hermione, why didn't you tell me you saw a three-headed dog? When even was this? And why is it named Fluffy?" Saying that you were confused was an understatement, but then again, it wasn't every day that you found out that your friends had met a mini-Cerberus.

"Yeah - he's mine - brought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub las' year - I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-" Hagrid put his hand to his mouth.

"Yes?" Harry asked eagerly. You shot him a glare for prying, but in you were also very curious. "What?" scar-child asked. This kid really couldn't take a hint.

"Okay so, I don't really want to get involved with any three-headed dog, especially one named Fluffy. So, I'll leave all of this to you three, since I told the twin's that I would meet up them before curfew. So good luck, and don't die, or else I'll have to kill you," you said, getting out of your chair.

"But I thought Hufflepuff's were supposed to be loyal and do anything for their friends!" Ron shouted. THIS KID!

"I am loyal, but that doesn't mean I'm a complete push-over! Plus, if I thought that you three were in real trouble, I would come with you. But you've beat a mountain troll, so I have faith in you. Good luck!" and with that, you ran out the door.

George POV

"George, it's been three whole minutes. Do you really think she'll come?"

"Be patient Freddie," George sighed. He loved his brother, he really did, but sometimes he just wanted to strangle Fred. "Plus, it's not like we're pranking someone, we just need Y/n's help with everyone's presents."

"Speaking of me, here I am!" a voice said from behind. "So, you dragged me all the way here to help you two with Christmas presents? But what if I see mine?"

"Don't worry, L/n, we've already finished yours. Now can you help us think of stuff for everyone else?" Fred asked. The h/c haired girl just rolled her eyes and nodded.

In the end, Harry got a stolen Snitch (which Y/n thought was stupid, so she got him some candy), Ron a card telling him to avoid the boy's bathroom on Christmas day (Y/n again got him some candy), Percy got nothing, Lee a bar of homemade frog spawn soap, and a bunch of little inventions for everyone else.

Oh, and Fred insisted that him and George get separate things for Hermione, so Fred got her a giant book, and George just stole some of Y/n's candy.

"Alright, I think that's the last of it," Y/n said looking proud with herself. She had actually wrapped most of the gifts up since George and Fred were messing around with a few spells. "Now just remember, since you two hardly helped, you each owe me a month's worth of not getting pranked. Got it?"

The twins nodded, and George said "Don't worry, love. We won't prank you until after the holidays." He smirked when the girl blushed, but of course she found a way to get back at him.

"George, that's only two weeks! Well, if you do prank me before 30 days end, I will make sure that all your presents go missing, and that all your pranks fail. Understood?"

"Okay, Y/n. You win, right Georgie? Honestly woman, how were you not put in Slytherin?"

The Hufflepuff just smirked before walking back inside the castle, leaving George with a brother that wouldn't stop teasing him.


Okay so, I really hate this chapter, but I had no idea how to move the story forward since your Hermione's friend and Herman is one of the main characters.

Now, the next chapter will probably have a paragraph or two about the rest of the first book, before moving on to Chamber of Secrets. I'm sorry, but please deal with it. Anyway, have a wonder life/afterlife, and don't be like my friend. Drink water.

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