Chapter 17 - Hard Head vs Thick Skull

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--- Time Skip brought to you by *lack of motivation*---

Hermione POV

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me Y/n!" I huffed. Sure, she told me that George told him that Fred said to tell Y/n not to tell me, but that was no excuse to have not told me!

In fact, I was so surprised after reading Fred's letter that I ran over to her house to surprise her, but she just smirked at me!


Well, I suppose what's done is done, but that doesn't mean that Y/n is off the hook.

My friend just rolled her eyes at me before stepping through the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley had come to pick us up a little while ago, and we were finally on our way to the Burrow. Sighing, I followed suit.

"The Burrow!"

Reader POV

You stepped through the fireplace and into the Burrow. Rubbing your eyes (there was a LOT of soot) you looked around the Weasley's house.

Despite hearing a lot about their house, the twins have never actually invited you to the Burrow.

"Y/n!" You looked up to see a certain ginger (very specific Y/n, very specific) before getting picked up in a tight hug.

"Ah! George! Put me down! I just got here!" you laughed, but you also felt your stomach flutter.

"Mmm, I don't think I will." You could literally hear the smirk in his voice when he said that.

"George!" If he thought you were gonna give up, he had something else coming. You headbutt him, hard.

"OW! Y/N!" He dropped you to rub his head. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"That's what you get!" As satisfying as it was seeing George's reaction, your head did hurt a bit.

Oh well, you thought. Should be fine. I have a hard head after all.

"Y/n what did you do this time?" You looked behind you to see Hermione eyeing you, confusion written all over her face.

You explained what had happened to your friend, with Fred butting in a few times, and she just rolled her eyes at you.

"Honestly, I should have expected that," Hermione said. "And we're lucky the twins are thick-skulled, or else something bad could've happened."

"Oi! What do you mean thick-skulled?" Fred questioned. "What does that even mean?"

Hermione and you looked at each other and started laughing.

"Hey! 'Mione! What's it mean?!"

Oh, this was going to be a fun two weeks.


School sucks, life sucks, and it took me way too long to write this because writer's block sucks T-T.

Updates may take (aka will probably take) more than just 2 weeks, so sorry about that :,)

That, and trying to find memes remotely related to the chapters is getting harder, and I do have actual school work to do now, soooooo, sorry about that T-T

Also thank you so much for 600+ total views and 30+ votes! I never thought that I'd get this far :)

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