Chapter 14 - How Are You Still Sane?

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Small time skip because I don't wanna write an entire novel

Hermione POV

It was a terrible idea, to come to the party.

I should have at least called Y/n to help me study or something, but then she'd start asking about my schedule again.

"'Mione, how exactly are you taking three classes at the same time? And how are you staying sane doing it?"

The truth is that I stay up all night studying and can't really get proper sleep. It's too risky.

And I can't even tell her that!

Oh, what am I going to-

I voice jolted me out of my thoughts. "Did you even come to the match?"

It's the first time that Harry was spoken to me in over a week, and he asks me if I saw the match?! Oh, this is hysterical. He doesn't even ask me how I'm doing.

"Of course I did," I replied in a strangely high-pitched voice. "And I'm very glad we won, and I think you did really well, but I need to read this by Monday."

"Come on Hermione, at least come and eat something."

No. Why would I? Ronald is over there. And he is too.

"I can't, Harry." Why am I laughing? I am I going mad? Maybe. "I've still got four hundred and twenty-two pages to read!

"Plus, he doesn't want me to join in." I glared at Ronald, who had just started to talk about Scabbers again.


I couldn't stop my tears, but I could run away. Run to my dorm and kick everyone else out.

Reader POV

You were in the middle of studying for the exams when Fred ran into the library.

You groaned before asking him what happened this time, and next thing you knew you were running up to the Gryffindor Girls' dormitories.

You tried to calm your friend down, telling her dormmates to go somewhere else for tonight and listening to her ranting about how stupid Ron and Harry were and all that.

Once she finished, you decided to try to lighten the mood.

By admitting a tiny feeling inside of you.

The rest of the night was filled with more rambling, but this time about them. Not Ronald and Harry, but the other two.

"Okay, but I what if-" you were cut off by a high-pitched scream.

You and 'Mione exchanged glances, grabbed your wands and ran downstairs.

"Nonsense!" Percy yelled, his face pale. "You had too much to eat, Ron - had a nightmare -"

"I'm telling you-"

"Now, really, enough's enough!"

Professor McGonagall slammed the portrait behind her and stared furiously around the common room.

What was happening?

"I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, I expected better of you! And Miss L/n, aren't you supposed to be in the Hufflepuff dorms?!"

Oh shoot, she's right. You were so busy trying to calm Hermione down and them talking to her about them that you had completely lost track of time.

"I'll explain later Professor!" you shouted, but your voice was drowned out by Ronald's screaming.

"SIRIUS BLACK WITH A KNIFE!" was all that you caught, but that alone froze you. Sirius Black? HERE?

You didn't want to judge a character before you met them, but you were pretty sure that he had murdered several people and at least 12 ducks.

Before you knew it, Professor McGonagall escorted you to the Hufflepuff common room as you explained to her why you were with Hermione.

Your teacher sighed and awarded Hufflepuff 5 points before letting you go to bed.


Y'all, I'm rereading Legendborn because 1) I love that book and do recommend, and 2) the second book is coming out THIS November!

And while rereading this book, I realized that Selwyn Kane is hot.

Like really hot,

And that there's hardly and Sel x Reader fanfics out there. Soooo, guess who may write one.

But I might wait until the second book comes out, since something's telling me that we'll find out more about Sel there.

I'll probably update tomorrow if I don't forget.

Speaking of, don't forget to drink water and eat!

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