Chapter 16 - Well This is Gonna be Fun

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Reader POV – Middle of summer

To be honest, you weren't planning on doing much during summer holidays. Your schedule was simple: send owls to your friends, read, workout, and get dragged into studying by Hermione.

What was not part of your plan was to get attacked by a flying tennis ball at 8 in the morning.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" You looked around to see where the ball had gone (and if your window was broken), but instead you saw a tiny grey owl zooming around your room.

When it saw that you were up, the miniature creature dropped something, a letter, into your lap before continuing to let out its energy. Carefully opening the envelope, you saw it was from a certain ginner.

Dear Y/n,

So, my dad got tickets to the Ireland versus Bulgaria Quidditch match Monday night! I was hopi wondering if you and Hermione would want to come over tomorrow? My mum already wrote a letter to both of your parents, and Fred is sending one to Hermione after Pig gets back. (Pig is Ron's new owl, but we're 'borrowing' him.)

Harry's going to be there too. We'll pick you girls up Saturday if you want to come, and mum says you're welcome to stay until school starts.

See you soon –

George Weasley

P.S. Don't tell Hermione before she tells you. Fred wants to surprise her.

You smiled to yourself after reading the letter. George had just invited you to a week-long  sleepover and Quidditch match!

Running downstairs to tell your parents the news, you hurriedly asked them if you could go.

"Of course you can go Y/n," your mother smiled. "And yes, you can stay until school starts if you want. Mrs. Weasley already sent us a letter, but she told us to wait until you told us. Something about her son wanting to surprise you."

You felt your cheeks heat up at the look your mum gave you, but hugged her nonetheless before running to send George a reply.

Dear Georgie,

I'd love to come watch the Quidditch game with you guys! I asked my parents, and they said it was cool, so I'll see you Saturday! I've decided that I'll be staying until school starts, and I've already bought all my stuff, so tell your mum not to fuss about me.

Also, what do you mean you 'borrowed' Ron's owl? Please tell me he knows about this...

Anyways, I'm super excited! See you soon!

- Y/n L/n

P.S. Don't worry, Hermione doesn't know yet ;)

I'M BACK! With a pretty short chapter and the lack of a meme/image but that's not the point-

Anyway, I'm sorry it took me so long to post another update. I've just been, uh, super busy with school and stuff (yeah, totally just that and not lack of motivation and bad mental health)

But while writing this, I realized how much I missed it. 

However, I might stop doing these Authors Notes after every chapter, so there's that.

Also, my updates will probably be inconsistent, but I'll try to get something at least once every two weeks. (In other words, I'll be writing during my spares some days, and watching Demon Slayer (since I finished MHA season 6) and doing homework during the others. )

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