Chapter 2 - Two Girls, Three Guys, and a Lost Toad

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h/c = hair colour

e/c = eye colour

s/c = skin colour/tone

h/l = hair length

h/t = hair type

For the sake of my non-existent sanity, you're eleven-year-old self is now 4'6" (137.16cm), Hermione is an inch (2.5cm) shorter than you, and the twins are 4'8" (142.24cm). Also, I've always seen Hermione as brown skinned, and there's something in the 3rd book that says something about this. If you have any complaints, deal with it.

Also, no images or memes I put in the top thing are mine unless otherwise specified. All credits to original artists/meme creators.

September 1st, 1991

Read POV

Today was the day.

Three weeks ago, you and Hermione had gone to Diagon alley with your parents to get your school supplies. Books, uniforms, cauldrons, wands, you know, normal stuff for eleven-year-old kids to have.

Last week, Hermione had passed her belt test, and was now a red stripe in taekwondo. At first, you were both worried about how you would be able to train with the help of your teachers, but as it turned out, the owner was a half-blood witch. She said that she would get one of the 7th years to train you two if you wished to continue during the school year.

Now, your and your friend were staring at a brick wall in a train station, with matching expressions of I'm sorry, but WHAT?

"So, we're just supposed to walk through it?" you asked, even though you knew Hermione had no clue.

Your friend just shrugged. "Maybe we should see if anyone can help us first. That way we won't make fools of ourselves if we're wrong."

You nodded, not sure what else to do. You two looked around, asking random workers where Platform 9 ¾ was, but all of them thought you were "Just as crazy as the last five kids who asked me that."

Just as you were about to ask another person, an old lady walking with a nervous looking blond kid, Mione tapped your shoulder. "Y/n it's no use. It's already 9:30 and we haven't found a way to get to Platform 9 ¾."

"Platform 9 ¾ you say? Well dearies, you're in luck," you looked around to see the old woman staring straight into your soul. "Neville, help the poor girls out. They're clearly lost."

The blond boy, Neville, walked forward, clearly nervous. "U-um, hi. P-platform 9 ¾ is right t-through the wall over there." Neville pointed at the brick wall you and Hermione were staring at an hour ago, and you internally groaned. Of course, it was the EXACT PLACE THAT YOU STARTED.

Soon enough, you and Hermione were back in front of that stupid brick wall, with Neville and who you could only assume was his grandmother right behind you.

"Now, you two girls should get out of the way. Neville, remember what I told you, and run through that wall."

"Uh, Gran?" You looked over your shoulder to see that Neville looked like his grandmother had just grown the grim reaper as a second head. "I- I don't think I can do this..."

"Nonsense! Just run through the wall. Your father did it, and he was fine!" the old women scoffed. Harsh.

The blond just gulped and ran through that wall. Before you could even process, what had happened, a hand gripped your own and pulled you forward.

Then it hit you. You were going to run into a fricken wall. A WALL! You closed your eyes, ready for the impact, but there was none.

"What in the McDonald's Happy just happened?!" you shouted.

"I dragged you through a wall," your best friend replied, her hand no longer crushing your own. You just stared at Hermione before taking a look around.

To your left was a steam engine with the words Hogwarts Express written on the front. All around you were many other kids, some who looked to be around your age, and others who you guessed were in their late teens.

"Ah! It's nice to see that you two made it here alive!" a familiar voice said. Neville's grandma pushed through the crowd, dragging the poor boy behind her. "Now, would girls mind staying with Neville on the train? He's a bit nervous for his first day."

"Of course, Ma'am," Hermione replied. "Well, the train leaves in an hour, so we better get a compartment.

-------Time Skip brought to your by Neville losing Treavor-------

"Okay so, Hermione and I will go left, and Neville, you can go right." Only 30 minutes after the train left the station, Neville's toad Trevor had decided that instead of a nice relaxing first day, that you three should instead stress about the toad flying out the window. "Okay!" you said, faking enthusiasm. "Let's go find a toad."

George's POV

George Weasley was more than ready to start his third year. First of all, he and Fred had just met the Harry Potter, scar and everything! Secondly, their mom had just unintentionally given them the idea to blow up a toilet, so there were definitely plans in the making.

The only downside was George was no longer allowed to send his little sister a toilet seat. Well, that, and that Percy was made a prefect. Now him and his twin would have to be extra careful to not get caught.

"Okay, since we've figured out how our Dungbombs will trigger once we've fled across the school, we just have to decide which bathroom to blow up. Do you think it should be Myrtle's?" As usual, Fred was rambling on about how each of there plans would work, while George worked out the finer details.

"Myrtle already gets bullied by the other students, so I don't think that'll work out for us in the long run.

However, the-" KNOCK KNOCK!

The younger twin quickly stood up and opened the compartment door. Standing there were two girls, one with brown skin and frizzy hair, and the other with h/l h/c hair.

"Well, hello there," George started. "Is there something my brother and I can help you two ladies with?"

"Have either of you seen a toad around here? Neville's lost his," the frizzy haired girl said. George just shook his head, but his twin had other ideas.

"Well Georgie, since we don't know where the toad is now, we might as well help look." If he didn't know any better, George would think that his brother actually wanted to help. But knowing Fred, there was probably a prank already forming in his mind, and George couldn't say no to that.

"Well since we aren't doing anything that'll blow-up if we leave, I say we go."

And with that, the four went looking for a toad, but ended up finding a very lost Neville Longbottom instead.

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