**One year special!!!**

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Ok so, this isn't really a chapter I originally planned to put in the main story, but it's roughly this book's 1-year anniversary, so I wanted to write something cute! (Dang, 1 year and only 20-ish chapters really tells you a lot about my motivation-)

So, this is just I cute little drabble to say my thanks to y'all for getting us to 1.7k total view/read things, and keeping me from scrapping this story all together <3

(And as life would have it, this "extra" chapter is longer than the literal paragraph I posted like a minute ago T-T)

Reader POV

Flustered by Megan's comment, you told the girls that you needed to go to the washroom.

You knew she meant the best, but the way she did it always made you realize how much you- Nope- Never mind.

Megan one day I will find someone to annoy you about.

With nothing else to do, you started to walk back to your compartment when someone called out to you.

"Can I help y- Oh hi George!" Smiling, the ginger walked up to you.

"Hey love, I was just on my way to check in on you. How are you doing?" He looked at you, somehow both happiness and concern written across his face. "Still a bit shaken I suppose?"

You sighed and nodded, explaining how you couldn't fall asleep lately because you kept thinking about what had happened.

"Ah I'm sorry, I'm just rambling at this point," you looked down, feeling like you've wasted his time. "I should get go-"

You couldn't even finish your sentence before George pulled you into a hug. "Love, you have nothing to be sorry for, ok? If you want or need to talk to someone I'll gladly listen."

Sighing, you melted into the hug, the only sounds being the train's normal commotion and the sounds of both of you breathing.

After what could've either been a few seconds or a few minutes, George pulled away and looked you in the eyes.

"Did you sleep well last night Y/n?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice. You shook your head, not bothering to lie about it.

The ginger sighed and led you to his compartment. "Stay here and take a nap, ok? I'll send Fred out to tell your friends so that they don't send out a search party," he said as he opened the door and sat down.

Sitting down beside him, you finally let yourself feel tired. Leaning against him, you slowly drifted off, not afraid of nightmares with George by your side.

George POV

I watched Y/n fall asleep beside me and smiled.

Not in a creepy way of course, but she looked so peaceful while sleeping that I couldn't help it.

And the fact that she leaned against me in her sleep made my smile even bigger.

So I let her rest her head on my shoulder, trying my best not to wake her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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