Chapter 18 - *Jealousy Jealousy*

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I thought the title was fun XD 
Also, thanks for the reads and votes! I really appreciate them, and they light up my day (or in this case night, since I'm uploading this at 9:15 pm on a Wednesday...) when I finally upload a new chapter <3

---The next morning---

Reader POV

"Y/n wake up!" someone yelled.

How about no...

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/N!" a different said. "Oh my Godric-" the first voice sighed. "Y/N WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE WAKE UP! Aguamenti!"

Oh no-

"HERMIONE!!!" you were soaked. So, you did the only reasonable thing and sprung up to grab the girl beside you.

"You better get changed, Y/n. We're leaving in an hour," Ginny laughed.

You quickly let go of Hermione and pulled the young ginger into a wet hug. "EEEKKKK! Y/N!!"

Suddenly the door burst open, and a pair of very concerned twins rushed in.

"We heard yelling-"

"So we ran up right away-"


"Love you're soaked!"

After your revenge on the girls who woke you up, as well as laughing at the twins' surprised faces, you took a quick shower, got dressed in some casual-but-nice muggle clothes that you had brought specifically for the Cup, and went down to eat.

Breakfast went by quickly, but after splinching was involved, you lost your appetite.

--- Time skip brought to you by me not knowing how to write- ---

George POV

"Everyone, this is Amos Diggory," Dad said. "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son-"

"Oh my gods, Ced! I didn't know that you'd be here!" someone squealed.
"Hi Y/n! Hi everyone," the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain replied. Everybody said hi back, except for Fred and I who simply nodded.

It's not that we didn't like him as a person, it's just that we haven't quite forgiven him for beating us in that one Quidditch match last year. Not to mention the way that Y/n lit up when she saw him made me-

Nope, George. Now is not the time to be jealous! Wait-

"George? Georgie? You okay mate?" Fred's voice (and hand in front of my face) brought me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine Freddie. Just a little..." George don't you dare say jealous, Fred will never let you hear the end of it- "tired."

Fred just laughed. "There's no use lying to me, you know. I can smell it."

I just rolled my eyes and turned back to whatever Mr. Diggory was saying. There was no way that Fred knew that I was jealous... Right?

"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?" Amos roared, hitting his son on the back. "Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman... Don't you agree Y/n?"

Wait how does he know who Y/n is?

"Yup, always willing to help all of us younger students out," the girl smiled, walking forward. Then she leaned over to me and whispered "Sometimes Cedric will Floo-call his father when he has trouble explaining something. You know, Mr. Diggory will stick his head in the fire and then there's kind of a projection?" (A/N bth I don't know if this is a normal wizard thing or not, but Sirius  did it so that's good enough for me- )

I nodded. That made sense... Wait, how did she know I was thinking that?! This girl...

"Okay everybody! Gather 'round, it's time to touch the Portkey!'"

We all walked up to the moldy old boot and put a finger on it. Fred was on my right, and Y/n on my left.

"Three..." Dad muttered, eyes on his watch, "two... one."

--- A magical hop skip and a jump later ---

"Owwwww..." Well that wasn't pleasant. I looked up to see Dad, Mr. Diggory and Cedric all on their feet.


However, I didn't have time to think too hard about it, since the next thing I know the Hufflepuff boy was walking past me, and straight towards Y/n.

No no no, don't you dare-

"You okay N/n?" he said, helping her up.


"Considering that we were basically Dorothy'd, I'm gonna say no..." the h/c haired girl said, laying on the grass.

What in Merlin's beard is a Dorothy?

Sighing, I got up, brushed myself and walked over to Fred, who was still on the ground.

Looking up at me, he smirked. "Jealous, Georgie?"

"I- no. What makes you say that?"

"Stop lying George," Fred said rolling his eyes. "You just gotta be faster next time. Y/n's not going to fall for a- OW" I kicked his leg.

"George! Fred! Hurry up!"

"Speak of the devil," Fred laughed, getting up. "Come on Georgie, better not keep her waiting. Agai- OW!" After punching my twin's shoulder, I went to catch up to the others.

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