Chapter 12

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"Unfortunately for your Captain, we're not going to be able to stop for medicine anytime soon." I turned my head over to Pekoms as he stood up, finished with his meal.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding why we couldn't. "We need to have him better before we go to Big Mom and get Sanji back."

He started to take his bandages and wraps off, walking towards where Nami was. "Sorry, but we're about to enter Momma's territory any moment now."

I felt my fingers twitch at the news. "You can't be serious..." I glanced back over to Luffy, who didn't look any better. "This is not good..."

"First, we'll run into a bunch of smaller islands with the defense network surrounding Whole Cake Island. Since there's no reason for Black Leg and his little entourage  to get held up there, he's probably reached Whole Cake Island already." Pekoms began explaining what to expect.

I glanced back up, noticing it starting to get foggy. "No matter what... don't lower your guard." Pekoms warned us.

Pedro went to be our lookout as Pekoms said he planned to stop at the first island for an antidote. I felt relief wash over my body. I just have to hold out a little longer... "You're going to be fine..." I whispered out.

"UAHHH! Cotton Candy!" I snapped back to the situation at hand due to Chopper's excitement. I glanced over to see him running about as cotton candy rained down.

So pretty...! I gasped as I stared at the cotton candy as it fell down. "Ah- yummy..." I heard Luffy grunt out, causing me to chuckle. Still thinking about food I see. I stopped my chuckle as I noticed how much paler he had gotten.

The moment of peace didn't last long as Pedro spotted a ship approaching. "C-Chopper, something's wrong..."

Chopper ran over to me as I motioned to Luffy, causing him to let out a gasp. "This is bad, I think Luffy's condition is getting worse!" He alerted the others, "The poison is spreading, I don't know if he can hold on much longer without some kind of treatment. Do you think they'll have something on the scout ship?"

"I'll ask, but you have to hide right now!" Pekoms told us, motioning to the kitchen. Without another word, Chopper changed into his heavy point and scooped up Luffy. I moved my arms away and slowly stood up, following everyone into the room.

As Brook closed the door, I leaned against the wall, sliding down to the ground. "AH CRAP! THAT'S NOT ONE OF MOMMA'S SHIPS!" Hearing Pekoms shout, Brook, Nami, and Carrot peeked out the door.

"Chopper... how is... how is Luffy doing?" I glanced over to Chopper, motioning to Luffy.

He glanced down at Luffy with an unreadable expression before glancing back up to me. "Honestly, not too good."

I slid over to where he was, raising my arms up again. "At least until we can get some medicine, I'll do what I can to slow the effects."

Before I could do anything, Chopper grabbed a hold of one of my wrists. I glanced up to him in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Chopper?"

He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "(Y/N) you need to rest, you're going to pass out at this rate."

"Chopper, I'm not worried about me, I'll be fine. However, if he gets worse... he could die like you said... right?" I told Chopper, locking my gaze with his.

He let out a heavy sigh, conflicted. "Fine... But when we do, you need to take it easy for a while."

"This is Germa. Is that Straw Hat Luffy's ship?"

"Just our luck, it's Germa 66!" Pekoms exclaimed, causing all of us to turn our heads as Nami swung the door open.

"So it's not Big Mom, after all..." Nami gasped as she, Brook, and Carrot stepped out onto the deck, glancing up at the huge snail in front of them.

"What business do you have in these waters? Answer, quickly!"

Chopper and I joined the others on deck, Chopper luring Luffy back down on the ground to help the others with the sails as I sat and continued helping Luffy as much as I could.

Barely avoiding crashing into the snail, Chopper let out a gasp, returning to his normal size and running up to the rails beside me. "Sanji!"

"Huh?! That curly eyebrow, it must be him!" Brook exclaimed, joining Chopper.

"Wait- really?!" I gasped out, glancing up the deck of the other ship.

"And I can't believe we found Sanji so quickly!" Brook remarked as Chopper and Nami were waving up to Sanji.

"Hey Sanji we have a problem, Luffy ate some poison fish and he's dying!" Chopper shouted, coming back over to Luffy, "Do you have an antidote on that big ship maybe? It's urgent!"

Silence. I furrowed my brows together as Sanji didn't say a word, nor greet us. Something's not right...

"What? Can't you hear me?! Sanji!" Chopper asked, tears running down his face.

"Would you shut up?! Stop calling me that! You got the wrong guy..." My eyes widened, as who we thought was Sanji, exclaimed pulling his hood back, revealing green hair. "Well I guess we might look alike, but my name is Yonji."

"But he's got curly eyebrows, though! If he's not Sanji, then who in the heck's Yonji?!" Chopper exclaimed in shock.

"My relationship with your associate, Sanji, is a highly classified matter. It's a secret that I'll take to the grave with me." Yonji said stoically.

"You're Sanji's brother aren't you...?" I mumbled as the others sweatdropped at his lame excuse. I mean it's kind of obvious at this point... they both have the same features, curly eyebrows, and to further prove our point... he started spinning around with hearts in his eyes.

Yep, totally a second Sanji. Though, if San is 3 and Yon is 4, does that mean they are more siblings? I was brought out of my thoughts by hearing Luffy start coughing. "Hey, come back! Sanji!" Chopper shouted.

"I'M YONJI!" I heard the man shout back as I noticed purple spots began to appear on Luffy.

"Chopper!" I shouted, scared of what's going on.

"Oh no, Luffy!" He ran over to us, inspecting the purple. "He's developing a rash, he can't fight it anymore! I know Luffy has powerful antibodies, so this poison must be powerful."


Iva frowned, staring at Luffy as well. "In Impel Down, I helped him from the poison he was covered in by the Warden, Magellan. But in order to do so, it shaved off 10 years of his life..."


Luffy breathed in all the gas surrounding him from Caesar's attack, before blowing it all out of his ears. He stuck out his tongue, smiling. "Neat. I guess poison doesn't bother me too much anymore."


Smoke started to flow out of his mouth as he began grunting in pain. "Luffy, don't you dare die on me!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. "You remember what I told you when we left Fishman Island, don't you?"

I bowed my head, biting my lip as I knew he wasn't going to answer. I snapped my head up, glancing as his skin was turning more purple. I won't let you die... even if I have to give my life to do so.

Published: 08/08/2022
Updated: 02/19/2024

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