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Hello! Before you continue reading, I want to make you guys aware of the decision I am making as of this moment.

I decided to skip Luffy and Kaido's fight temporarily until they finally animate it so I can actually give good descriptions of their moves and the battle itself. I tried to make it up as I went from what I know but don't want to go back and have to edit/rewrite the chapter, changing the plot.

And yes, I could write it with what happens in the Manga, however I feel it would be harder to imagine as the reader because episodes from now, the description might be different from when I wrote/write the chapter. And not to mention how some things might be written in the Manga then turns out to be completely different/doesn't appear in the anime at all.

Fear not, for once they conclude the animation for the Wano Arc, I will come back and add the chapter into the story, but until then I'll just leave it as an A/N note for now. Thanks for understanding, and if you'd like to continue reading be my guest! If you decide to wait, then hopefully you will be seeing an update in a couple of weeks (depending on how long and how many episodes it'll take.)

Aside from that the next chapter has been posted!


Published: 02/17/2023

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