Chapter 23

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It didnt take long to get to your bedroom. When you opened the door, the boys didnt know if they should give you alone time or not. But when you gave them a weak smile. They knew you needed alone time. Not that they really liked that idea. But they just hoped you would go to sleep or relax or something like that.

"We will be out here. Just call for us." Kirishima gave you a small smile.

"Yeah just shout for us." kaminari also gave you a small smile.

Bakugou on the other hand just sat down against the wall on the opposite of your dorm room.

"We wont be right next to it. So if you need to have a little break down alone. We wont hear as much." Bakugou stared up at you. "But as they said. You need us. Open the door or yell for us."

"Thank you." you mumbled before shutting the door.

Kirishima and kaminari sat down beside bakugou. Kaminari let out a small sigh. They all just wanted you to be okay.

"Dude, you should probably go get cleaned up." Kirishima mumbled to Bakugou.

Inside your room, you tried your best to just keep calm, you were tired you just wanted to sleep but everything was building up inside you, but you were sick of crying. You felt so frustrated. Nothing felt okay. Everything inside you felt on edge. You knew you probably shouldnt be alone but the thought of anyone talking or touching you right now made you even more frustrated.

The only thing you could think of was throwing something but you didnt know what. But you needed to do something cause the thought of izuku was running through your head. And you didnt like that. You glanced at your bed and decided to just throw some shit around.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" you yelled as you grabbed a couple pillows and books that were laying on your bed and threw them at the wall. "God fucking damn it!"

You could still feel his lips on yours, the way he grabbed your arms were still playing in your mind. With the same hands that use to slowly touch your arms when you two use to laugh and hang out.

"No! Stop." you screamed at yourself. You could feel all those feelings for Midoriya rise up. The old memories of the midoriya you use to know. You didn't want that. You didnt want to feel this way. You hated him now. You hated him and your brother. So why were those old feelings coming up right now. You should be throwing up and cussing him out but no. You just ran away. You should of slapped him. You should of yelled at him more. Just did more.

You just wanted every single thought to stop. You knew how angry and upset you were feeling was gonna set off your  quirk, and it didnt take long before your arms were bursting out in blue flames.

You could feel the sting of your flames, you could even smell the hint of burnt flesh as the flames grew bigger and bigger. You knew you had to calm down before you ended up lighting something on fire, but it was too much. Today was too much and everything was crushing around you. You wished you would of just stayed away. You should of just stayed with Dabi and Toga and everyone there. But no you came back and now you have to deal with all this stuff and you havent even did much for handy man. This all felt like a waste of time and a waste of your sanity. You wished you could just run back to Dabi and stay with him.

Your mind was going a mile a minute, till the sting on your arms finally got to you and you had no choice but to just calm down. You didnt wanna try to use your ice quirk and make steam that could slip under your bedroom door and the boys rush in. You tried your best to just think of something that would make you happy. But it felt like the hardest thing to do. But after a few moments. The flames finally settled down. But the damage was already done. Your arms had burn marks all over them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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