Chapter 7

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You followed twice quickly to where shigaraki was, when you got to the room he was in. Twice stood behind you. You were now staring at the crusty man in front of you.

"Y/n, I was thinking. I have a great idea." His voice sounded sorta playful, which made you slightly calm down. You watched his fingers tap together.

"What is the idea?" You asked.

"I was thinking, if the hero did take you back. The word around is that we took you by force at least that's what the Pro's are saying. Even tho I was told you came on your own free will." He stopped and stared at you. "Not that it matters honestly. We can use this to help us get closer to our over all plan. If you did get token back with the hero's, im sure they will let you back into U.A. at least thats what im expecting. And even if they dont. You can just come back. but the plan is for you to go back."

"But I dont wanna go back" You spit out, which made you cover your mouth. Great you probably just pissed him off. But when he gave you a small smile. You felt slightly better.

"I know you dont, but if you do. We can get information from you that you collect from U.A. You can be a great part in our grant plan. Not that im gonna let this happen anytime soon. At least thats not part of the plan. First we gotta get some things done. Tell you what were looking for. We know once you do go back with the hero that they'll be having a close eye on you and even us. But I think we can make this work. I know this isnt what you want, but I promise in the end it'll all work out."

"If thats what I need to do.." You mumbled, you didnt like the idea of going back to U.A. and seeing your brother but if it will help everyone here. Then maybe you could do it.

"Dont be sad, think of the bigger picture." He got closer to you and grabbed your chin with his pointer finger and his thumb. "We can destroy the hero's and everyone who has wronged you. Doesnt that sound like a plan" He let go of your face and smiled. His smile kinda gave you the creeps.

"Alright..Ill do it." You mumbled. "What exactly do I need to learn or do exactly?"

It seemed like hours that he was talking to you, and trying to explain everything you needed to know and how everything could go down. He just needed to make sure you were truly on his side. Part of his team.

Finally you were done, your head was hurting. Listening to his voice wasnt fun at all. You were quick to walk out of the room. Even tho you didnt wanna you headed to yours and Dabi room. When you opened the door. You were met with Dabi sleeping, you slightly smiled. He was sleeping in the bed. Luckily he left room for you. At least that was what it looked like. You quietly went and laid down with him.

"Im sorry" He mumbled as his hand reached for your head, his fingers ended up getting tangled in your hair. You kinda jumped, you thought he was sleeping. But when you settled down his fingers started to move a little bit.

"Its fine, go back to sleep." you mumbled back, you felt slightly embarrassed that you freaked out earlier.

"I promise, ill protect you.." He was now staring at you with tired eyes. You gave him a small smile.

"shigaraki. He wanted me to go back to U.A." You sighed slightly, Dabi just nodded.

"I heard, For some reason he came to me to see if it was a good plan. I told him I didnt think we would gain much from you going back there but he seemed dead set on using you for information."

"If I can help everyone here, I dont think it'll be too bad.." You mumbled. Dabi just nodded. He wasnt sure what to say anymore. He knew how messed up you were while you were at U.A. He wished he could keep you away from that school but he knew this was what the boss wanted and he couldnt do anything about it.




"Answer me please!"

Kaminari kept sending texts, his hands were shaking. It was from your number. It was really you. Why would you text him? Why him of all people? He knew he wasnt suppose to tell anyone but how couldnt he tell Kirishima and Bakugou when they both have been so worried about you too. Did they get a text too? Was it just him?

He wanted to go talk to his friends but you said not to tell anyone you texted him, but telling the two boys wouldnt hurt right? He didnt know what to do. But he knew you were safe. Thats what matters right? He had so many questions to ask. He just wanted to see you again. He wanted to hug you and just make you feel better. Make it known that this wasnt how it was suppose to be. He wanted to help you.


Kirishima and Bakugou were sitting in bakugou room, trying to study. Kirishima knew he shouldnt but he needed to talk about you. The question Kaminari asked earlier made him curious.

"Bakugou, what would you do if we have to fight y/n?" He asked with a shaky voice. Kirishima heard a pencil break.

"Why the fuck would you ask that!" He snapped, as he throw his book at the red head boy. "Why would you even ask such a dumb question!"

"Its not dumb! We might have to fight her one day!" He yelled.

It was quiet for a while before bakugou finally spoke up again.

"Ill beat her up in till she listens and comes back with us. Ill make her see that shit isnt as bad as she thinks it is." He hissed. "Even if I die doing it.." he mumbled quietly

Kirishima wasnt sure what to say now, would it be that easy? Could bakugou or even himself bring you back and talk some sense into you? Would they actually be able to fight you if the time came. Deep down Kirishima knew he probably couldnt. To actually fight you would kill him inside.

"Alright.." Kirishima mumbled.


Midoriya was quick to lock his door, he had another fight with Shoto and he was just tired, more tired then he had ever been it seemed. As he plopped onto his bed. His eyes started to tear up. He didnt understand anything anymore. He couldnt help but to think back on when you and him were friends. He missed it. He missed hearing your laugh. It was adorable even when you would go into a laughing fit and get more loud he enjoyed it. He just wanted his old friend back. He knew he messed up, he messed up big. But how was he suppose to know you liked him? He didnt know and even when he found out he was already accepting Shoto love.

He slowly ran his finger over his lip. He couldnt help but still feel your kiss. The taste of your lips. The feeling on them still lingered, even after he tried to kiss away the feelings of your lips and tried to replace it with the feeling of Shoto's. But he could still remember yours no matter how hard he tried to just get the feelings out of his head.

"Maybe I made a mistake." He mumbled.

He quietly just stared at his floor as your voice rang through his head.


"Izuku, Sato made cookies. You want some?" You asked as you basically shoved a cookie in his face.

"Thank you Y/n." He took it from you, and back then he didnt notice the way your cheeks lit up when your hands touched his. But thinking back he should of noticed.

He wished he noticed earlier. Would things still be this fucked up? Would Shoto still would of fallen for him? Would he be the one gone or would he move on?

"Fuck!" Midoriya screamed as he throw a pillow across the room.

"Y/n, please.." He mumbled to himself. "Just come back.."

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