The Promise Told

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As I was sitting on one of the corners in the room like the other 3 oldest. I was contemplating on somethings

'It can't be...? Can it? I know for a fact that, that was a scene from the time emma and ray told the others about the state of this world the next day when they found out about it from sonju and mujika... Things might not be in order and are a bit scuffed but it's still going through the original story... In a sense, that's good enough for me.'

As I was busy with my thoughts I heard my name get called. "Harley!" making me turn to look who it was

"You've been sitting there for more than an hour. The others went to sleep already." ray said making me look around and saw the only ones still awake were ray, norman, emma, sonju, and me

"You guys didn't sit in the corner?" I asked

"Me and emma did." norman said

"I didn't. Why would I even do that anyway?" ray said making me get a tick mark on my head as I wanted to sucker punch him for his smug look right now

I took a deep breath and sighed knowing it wasn't even worth it. I got up and dusted myself off

"Are you ready?" emma asked looking at me with a smile

"Mama is taking care of the kids. She left us to get some more information about the current situation in the world." norman said

"We also found out that it was exactly as you said... Mama was like us. She showed us her neck and there were numbers on it just like ours." ray said

"That means it wasn't 30 years but more." emma said

"And that's why we need to ask those two about the current situation of this world." norman said

I took a deep breath and said "Let's do this." then we made our way over to where sonju was at

"You're still awake?" sonju asked, not looking away from the teapot

"Can we talk?" emma asked

"I don't see why not. You four were running a lot the previous night. You should stay put and rest until you recover." sonju said

Emma took a seat, facing sonju while the three of us just stood there in silence

"Yes. Later we're going to sleep a full night again... Thank you and I'm sorry for ever doubting you even though you two saved us. I just assumed that every demon is out to eat us." emma said with a sad smile

"Don't worry. You have a good reason to be skeptical. Human meat is greatly valued among... "Demons". The brain above all." sonju said

"Then why don't you eat it?" norman asked

"Faith. Our religion is against eating human beings. Only human beings, however. Other than humans, I can and will eat anything. We're what our society calls "heathens". They who own the farms... Their ideology, their authority, their entire enterprise... I couldn't care less about it all. Just leave me out of it." sonju said

"Then why did you save us?" ray asked

"It was simply curiosity. It's been quite some time since I could have a nice talk with your kind.  How unusual indeed... These days, it's a rare enough opportunity to see living humans even on the plantations, much less..." sonju said making the three tense up

"What's the matter? I'm sure this is what you came here for." sonju asked as he gave us a cup of tea

I took the cup from him and said "Thank you." making the others look at me as I blew on it

"What? I actually came here for tea." I said continuing to blow the tea so I can actually take a sip from it without burning my tongue or lips

The three looked back at sonju with a dramatic pause then emma asked "Could you tell us, please... What happened to human kind...?

"And what happened a hundred years ago?" norman asked

"Nothing." Sonju simply said causing the three to look at him in shock

"Well nothing in particular. 100 years, eh...? I've no idea where you came up with that number, but the world has been like this for a long, long time." sonju said

"What do you mean?!" emma asked

"Could it be that this isn't earth at all? If this isn't earth, then that explains the absurd biology, we've been seeing." ray said

"Nay." sonju simply said

"The calendar, then?! The dates were a lie too? We're not in 2046 at all, but-" norman said but was cut off by sonju

"Nay. We're on the planet earth, yes, and precisely in the year of 2046... Well, according to a certain human reckoning, at least."

"But then, why?!... How?!"

"Let me tell you the stories of old... Back then when the world was a much larger place." sonhu said as he began to tell the tale of the constant battles between humans and demons both hunting one another. Both for survival. Until the human side came with a proposal saying that the world shall be divided into two so they can live in peace and thus the "promise" was made and as a parting gift, the human side left some humans behind and the demons made them into cattle

"It's been a thousand years since the promise was made and nothing much has changed since then. I'm afraid such is the world... That you've escape into. That you were born in." sonju said

I looked over at the three and saw norman looking at the ground while covering his mouth, emma looked at sonju in shock and fear while ray looked like the mixture of both. Covering his mouth while looking at sonju in shock

I sighed as I took a drink from my tea and looked at them smiling

"Emma, ray, norman... You three thinking what I'm thinking?" I said as I put the cup down


"It's the worst case scenario but-" norman said

"But we still have a chance!" emma said

"Right! Though there may still be a lot of complications, it's still not as hopeless as I thought it would be." ray said

"... Ah...Nay. I hate to ruin your hopes but there is to be no crossing between either sides. That was part of the agreement. The pathways are completely shut." sonju said

"We'll find a way. I know that we'll find a way." I said making the other three beam with hope

"With the powers of friendship and a whole lot of luck. We can make it to the other side." I continued

"Yeah! All we have to do is find another way to cross over that small detail is not stopping us." emma said as she picked up my cup and chugged the rest of my tea down

"I was going to finish that." I mummbled

"Thanks sonju. I feel better now!" emma said as she gave him back the cup

"Is that so? Well thats good then. It's already much too late. Go sleep. Starting tomorrow, we'll teach you how to pass through this forest, at least. Under our guidance, you'll be sure to leave here safely." sonju said

We said our thanks and wished him a good night

As we were walking to where we were going to sleep tonight, I heard ray said "Let's break out of this demon world, bringing everyone with us. Agreed?"

"Yeah!" the 4 of us agreed with a smile on our face and hope for a brighter future on the other side

I want you all to know that, I will be starting school next week... Which is tomorrow and I might not be able to update every week. I'm just writing this just to be sure but I will try to update this story and my other stories once a week just like always. Hope you all understand. Stay safe and have a wonderful day. Bye

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