Future Endeavors

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-Emma's Pov-

It's been two weeks since we got back from Goldy pond and... Everyone is safe. Harley woke up about a week ago but due to some people's intervention, she needed to stay in bed for a couple more days

Hehehe. Mama really pulled out the big guns just so Harley can stay put but even with those, she still goes around the bunker doing anything that can help

But as days go by, I start to get the feeling that she has something planned. It wasn't because of the fact, she looked like she was thinking about something and was in her own world. Not because of Ray, Norman, Gilda, Don and the others say that she had the look that she was thinking about something... No, it's because she said it herself.... Right now

"Excuse me, what?" Ray said with a baffling look on his face

"I'm planning on going outside... On my own... I have something to do. I promise that we will see each other again.... In a couple of years" Harley said sheepishly

I heard laughing next to me and saw Norman with a closed eyed smile and said "Yeah, no."

"I'm not here to get your permissions but to tell you. I'm going either way. I need to do this." Harley said with a sigh

"Why? Why does it have to be you? You almost died back at Goldy Pond! Why do you have to go alone?" I asked, desperate to know the answer

"Can you bend the elements?" Harley asked shaking her head

"Look, I know you're worried but I need to do this, so the story could progress. I'm going to start a revolution against the demons. Freeing as many humans as I can and destroy the farm system. While all of you go and find a way to get us out of this side of the world." Harley said then turned to look at me "Emma, you remember what Mujika said to you back then? What did she say?" she asked

"Yeah, it was to go find the 7 walls." I said, confused

Harley smiled and said "See you already have a clue. You all would be fine without me."

"Wait! What? You can't seriously say that! Why can't you just stay here and help us find the 7 walls?" I asked

"Because she wants to put pressure on the demons." I looked over at Mama

"If she does free the humans and destroy the farms. The nobles would be in chaos if it were to happen." Mama said

"And the nobles would be in a bind, trying to fix it instead of looking for us." Lucas said

"That's not a bad idea." Ray said thinking about it

"I know right! Norman really is smart." Harley said with a smile

"Wait! What?" Everyone except for Harlye exclaimed

"Oh yeah! He came up with it while he was in Lambda. Which is where I'll be going once I know where it is. You should have seen him in the story. He went full on genocide." Harley said with a smile

"Did that really happened?" Norman asked

"Yup! You were experimented on and started calling yourself Minerva and started a revolution. Wanting to kill every demon, so we can stay here instead of going to the other side but no worries, Emma and the others stopped you before you could do it." Harley said, giving us a sigh of relief

"I'm planning to do it too, except no genocide." Harley said

"... You said all of that so Norman couldn't go with you." Mama said

"... I was hoping for all of you to not go with me." Harley said with a defeated sigh

"Well then, I'm going with you." Mama said

"Yeah, no. They need you here. I cam handle it on my own." Harley said not backing down

"I'm going too!" Gilda said with determination

"Me too!" Don said

"I don't care what you said. I'm going." Norman said

"You really are a dumbass. I'll be the one to go with her instead while you all find the 7 walls." Ray said

"Why does Ray have to be the only one to go? I'm going instead of Ray!" I said raising my hand

"No one is going with me!" Harley exclaimed

"Why not just come back here? You can go to Lambda, free those kids and come back here then you can start doing your revolution and make this your base of operation." Phil said with a smile

We all look at him in shock. "Kid's got a good plan." Lucas said

"Phil... It's not that simple. If I do free them then we would be even more cramped as it is. Not to mention, this place could be found earlier than expected." Harley said trying to reason with Phil

"In the story, there was a base of operation for the revolution, right?" Phil asked

"Yeah?" Harley answered

"Then why don't we just go there instead? Then we go find the 7 walls while you go do anarchy. With this we can keep each other safe." Phil said

"... Kid's got you there, Water girl." Lucas said

"Shut up, you beautiful looking man. I'm thinking." Harley said

"Beautiful?" Lucas asked

Unbeknownst to me, I was glaring at the man along with Ray and Norman with Mama and the others giggling at the sight

"That... Might work." Harley said as she was still thinking about it

Harley then cracked a smile and said "You guys wanna live on a tree?"

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