Welcome To Shelter BO6-32

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As we were walking through the maze of passage ways. Emma, ray and norman were telling the others about what we found out last night

On the other hand, I was busy day dreaming of a lot of things but nevertheless kept my focus on where I was going

As we stopped to take a rest, I looked over to where emma and the others were and saw some terrified/shocked/despair/sad looks on their faces with mama also contemplating on what to do next

As they continued to talk, I couldn't help but look over to where sonju and mujika were

As I suspected they were whispering in their language about us being enemies with that demon baby god

I sighed as I thought to myself 'He helped me out a lot and now for the story to progress, emma will have to make a deal with him... But that doesn't mean he'll accept the deal... Or if he would even make a deal with her...' I shook my head at the thought of leaving it to the future me to solve

Then it dawned on me 'I didn't even ask what he wanted in exchange so we could cross to the human side when he met up with me countless of times...'

I groaned so loud out of me being stupid that everybody looked at my direction as I started banging my head at the wall while saying "STUPID!" over and over again

Mama quickly went over to me and stopped me before I got permanent brain damage

"What are you doing, harley?! I know our situation seems hopeless but we'll find a way to cross over." mama said

"That's not it!" I said with a look of defeat on my face

"Then what is it?!" mama said

I cupped my hands on her ear and whispered °I know who can make that happen.°

Mama then quickly looked at me in shock and said "Let's go talk over there." she looked over to where the older kids were and said "And you all come here as well."

We went over to the side where I was placed in the middle while the others surrounded me

"Explain, harley..." mama said

"Explain what?" emma asked then looked at me

"I know how we can get to the human side..." I said

There was a long pause after I said that then the older kids shouted at the same time "WHAT!"

Don then grabbed me by the collar and said "You know and yet you didn't tell us! You knew from the start, didn't you! You could have saved the others! Connie! Han! And the others! You could have saved them all!"

I punched him in the face getting him off me then grabbed him by his collar and said "You didn't think I would have done already! I would have done it in a heartbeat! I was given two wishes when I was about to be reincarnated... I thought it out for a moment and asked for my wishes! If I could have wished to be able to set all of the humans free and be transported safely to the human side of the world I would have done it already. I only had 2 wishes. The first one I made was to be safe, the god said that he will give the knowledge of my original world, he didn't say when he will give it."

"So you could have a sort of like a safety net to fall when he was planning on giving it to you on a later date." ray said making me nod

"The second one I made was for me to be able to bend here in this world."

"So that we could have more fire power." norman said

"Yeah, that's right!" I said

"Then why were you banging your head on the wall and saying stupid over and over again?" emma asked

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