Returned All Bloody

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I can't believe it... We won! With no major casualties too! Everyone was alive but was hurt... Especially Harley... If it wasn't for her, we could have had more major casualties in our end but her health is worse now... Her old wounds reopened causing an infection to appear and now new ones too

Mama said she would be fine but when she wakes up I don't think she'll get to live longer because of mama


After the fight, we celebrated our victory. Only for it to end briefly as we heard a splashing noise

We turned to see, Harley kneeling on the ground bleeding out and was about to lose consciousness

Norman and Ray shouted out her name, as we ran towards to catch her just in the nick of time

All of us rushed back to base to patch her up as fast as we could before she could die... Again

Mama, Norman and the others quickly did work patching Harley up

The others started talking about what to do with Harley... It would be a 3 week walk back to the bunker, it would be safer but Harley wouldn't survive that long of a trip. They were considering the 4 day trip but it was considerably dangerous after Harley killed all of them they thought that other wild demons found the dead bodies and feasted on them creating stronger ones in their stead or maybe there were no new demoms and the dead bodies are still there... But no one wanted to take the risk... So that was out of the question

After Mama and the others finished patching Harley up, they joined in on the conversation and in the end, for Harley sake. 3 people will take Harley for the 4 day trip while the rest take the 3 week on

In the end it was Mama, Yuugo and Ray taking her back safely

-Flashback end-

It's been 3 days since they left and we're slowly but surely moving to the bunker... So were moving none the less

As I have said before, Harley wouldn't survive any longer after mama is done with her... Because it will be us next scolding her for being reckless and dumb in the first place

I sighed at that thought. Norman noticed it and asked "What's on your mind, Emma?"

"Just thinking of what Harley was thinking is all... I mean going into the fight still wounded?" I said

Norman laughed and said "I think you would have done the same in my opinion. I think Harley did it because she was confident with herself. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have a clear shot on killing Lewis. She somehow managed to bind him for us to take the shot." Norman said

"Now you said it, I can't help but shiver at how Harley looked while doing it. She looked cold and unforgiving, as if she was holding jerself back from killing him. The look on Lewis' face too. He looked terrified at Harley when she did that... I wonder what it was but I couldn't help but shiver at the thought." I said

"Let's ask Harley once we're finished yelling at her for being a certified stupid." Norman said with a smile

"Yeah." I said with a smile


Mama, Yuugo and I were slowly closing in on the bunker. After 3 whole days of running none stop. Killing some demons on the way. Nothing we couldn't take care off, thankfully

We opened the hatch and quickly made our way inside. There, everyone was standing near the entrance, smiling as they saw us but quickly turned into frowns as the saw only me, mamaz yuugo and a heavily wounded harley

"Gilda! Quickly prepare a bed for Harley and help me inject an iv and blood bag to her as well as change her bandages!" Mama quickly exclaimed

Gilda just nodded her head and went to go prepare with Mama and Yuugo behind her carrying a knocked out Harley

Don quickly grabbed me and asked what happened. I quickly explained a shortened version of the story and said that I'll tell them the rest later, going to help with anything I can with the other following behind me

Once we've done what we could... It was rime for the waiting game... I hope the others would return here safe and soon

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