'Lover or a Fighter?'

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The quiet chatter that had plagued my ears had all merged into one tiresome, Sisyphean nightmare. From Lucius' subtle yet boastful nature, to the tranquil and humble tone of Lily Evans - it all came to be one.

I was reluctant to be added to this mix, yet it seemed I had little choice. Slughorn turned his beady, hungry, gooseberry green eyes onto me.

"Ah, Regulus, my boy! One of the younger students joining us, as I'm sure you're aware. How have you been?" he asked in a sickeningly gleeful manner.

"I've been well, sir, thank you." I manage to respond curtly.

"I'm glad! You've been a rather prominent name in the papers, haven't you, son?" he said, chuckling slightly. I felt Hunter stiffen slightly from my left, her breathing becoming somewhat hasty.

"Indeed." I smile, though it lacks the gleam of a true grin, and it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"Not all good attention, some would say, but all attention is good, I say! How do you feel about it?" he asks, almost prideful in his honesty.

"There's been rather a lot of talk, sir, so I'm not sure where to begin." becomes my response, and I'm careful to not seem irritated or aggressive by any onlookers.

I feel Hunter lace her pinky finger through mine, and I resist the urge to look at her. After all, it is best for this to remain on me and not my dear Hunter; for she suffers when met with criticism, whilst I am able to suppress my feelings of torment.

"Well, that Skeeter article has been widely read. And did you read Gertrude Plum's take on it in 'Rumours!'?" he pressed.

I've seen every news article, kept every single word that these strangers had wrote against me swimming around in my head. I could recite every paragraph that has been written for and against me.

'Regulus Black is a boy who has been born into immense privilege, but in a family littered with sorrow and secrets; his relationship with the equally privileged but much more fortunate Hunter-Rose Moore may signify a turning point in the young boys ideologies, posing a threat to the Black family name. If neither son has taken to the dark beliefs their family holds, does the rising 'Dark Lord' pose as much of a threat as we think? After all, the Blacks are more powerful than the Malfoy's, and what this antagonist desires is power." - Written by Henry Yax, a powerful Welshman.

'Hunter-Rose Moore is the heir to her families throne. She is in a unfathomable position of powerful, and her newfound entanglement with the Black boy is a dangerous, poorly calculated move. There had been much talk over how manipulative Regulus Black is, considering who his family is and what they've done to the Moore household. While Miss Moore is known to be unaware of this, it is likely that Regulus is fully in the know and will stop at nothing to continue his parents legacy as a tyrannical, corrupt leader over one of the most powerful families in the wizarding world, plaguing the good we have as a way to infiltrate our current society." - Penned by Colm Moore, Hunter's uncle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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