Chapter 4

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The next day, the kids were driving in Calvin's car.

"It's just a little detour" said Calvin.

"How long is it gonna be?" said Sam.

"No more than twenty minutes. Twenty minutes tops" said Calvin.

The kids drove deeper into the woods until they came to a part of them they'd never seen before.

"Is this still California?" said Sam.

Soon, they reached a huge mansion with gigantic gates.

"Wow. That's a lot of gate" said Calvin.

"Yeah... they must have a big possum problem down here or something" said Sam.

"That's some big possum" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin and Meg got out of the car to try and open the gate.

"How do we even start?" said Meg.

"Why don't you gimme a boost and I'll see what's around back? They're probably old. We'll surprise them" said Calvin.

"You'll probably kill them. Let's just go. It's getting late" said Meg.

She started to get back in the car, but Calvin stopped her.

"Meg, you give up too easily. The Warriors' way is to be patient" said Calvin.

The gate suddenly opened all by themselves!

The good news was the kids could just drive on in.

Calvin parked his car in front of the house and the kids got out.

"Wow. Bob Vila would have a field day with this place" said Sam.

Charles Wallace slammed his car door shut.

"Hey, Charles Wallace, don't slam the door like that. This car is new. Mr Carmichael gave it to me for my birthday" said Calvin.

"Come on, let's see what's around the back" said Meg.

"Hey, Cal, when we get to the lake, can I go to that pizza shop where I ate that whole pizza pie, and then when we got to the cabin, I threw up and Sam still saw the pepperoni chunks in it? Can we go there?" said Charles Wallace.

"We can go there if we can avoid a repeat performance" said Calvin. 

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