Chapter 18

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"If she's not disappeared... why hasn't Mother come back?" said Wednesday.

"We're sorry to admit, Wednesday, but your mother might be..." said Calvin.

"Dead?" Pugsley gasped.

"We're afraid so" said Sam.

Wednesday broke down into tears and hugged her brother. Pugsley hugged her back for comfort. 

"Morticia... dead" said Uncle Fester.

"But how?" said Lurch. 

"How? How, you ask? Actually, that's a pretty good question there, Lurch" said Sam.

"She couldn't have killed herself. The letter said she wanted to come home" said Charles Wallace.

"Well, then somebody gave the mister the wrong letter" said Calvin.

Grandmama came into the attic and said "Yes. Well done, my fine children. You three are more persistent than I imagined".

"Granny did it? You gotta be kidding me" said Sam.

"You two are grounded!" said Grandmama to Wednesday and Pugsley.

The two kids ran away before they could get into more trouble.

"Lurch, back to work!" Grandmama snapped.

"Apologies" said Lurch to the Warriors before leaving.

"And you! Off with you" said Grandmama to Uncle Fester.

Then she faced the Warriors.

"What did you do to her?" said Calvin.

"Only what a mother is meant to do. What's best for her son" said Grandmama.

"You're a real cold lady" said Sam.

"No, Sam dearie. I'm a rational woman. I needed order in the Addams family. Letting Gomez run away with Morticia would have done the worst. And it did. After Wednesday grew into a real little girl, I couldn't bear it anymore. I did what had to be done" said Grandmama.

"Punch her face in, Cal!" said Charles Wallace.

"I will, but first we're gonna tell Mr Addams what really happened" said Calvin.

"Mr Addams will never know. Gomez and his love will be reunited tonight and the curse will be lifted" said Grandmama.

"But that's not her! That's my sister!" said Charles Wallace.

"And what she sees in you three, I'll never know" said Grandmama.

"Alright, lady. Where is Meg?" said Calvin.

"Getting ready for her wedding of course" said Grandmama.

"What wedding? He can't marry her! They're both married already!" said Charles Wallace.

"Is that so. Then that can easily be corrected" said Grandmama.

"What do you mean?" said Sam.

"I could always track down the girl's current husband. Life, I believe is such a delicate state" said Grandmama.

"I'm not letting you near my brother in law!" said Charles Wallace.

"And if you put one finger on Meg, I swear I'll kill you!" Calvin shouted.

"Oh, Mr O'Keeffe... dearie, I'll have you know that I'm old, but I'm rather slick" said Grandmama.

"Leave him alone!" said Charles Wallace.

"Stop it!" Sam cried.

Grandmama grabbed the two of them and locked them in a trunk.

"Let them go! You're gonna let Charles Wallace and Sam out of there, you're gonna take me to Meg, and you're gonna let us out of here now!" Calvin demanded.

"You want out? Fine. Let me show you out" said Grandmama.

She threw Calvin out the window and he had to find a way to get back in. 

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