Chapter 8

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Grandmama led Calvin back downstairs and through a curtained doorway.

"Grandmama, ma'am, I was just wondering. Are you still driving? When my friends and I moved to Australia, I got a job at a car store. We sell amazing cars. Nice and fast. I'm sure Mr Addams would love to drive a car like that" said Calvin.

"Oh, sounds wonderful, dear" said Grandmama.

Calvin looked at the wall and saw a huge picture of the entire Addams family.

"Wow! Now that's class! That's what I should do at my place. Get a picture of my group and put it on the wall. It adds a touch of elegance to the place, huh?" said Calvin.

"Oh, of course. Very elegant. Would you care for a drink while you're waiting?" said Grandmama.

"Love one. Thank you. But no alcohol please" said Calvin.

"Oh, don't worry about it. This family never drinks alcohol" said Grandmama pouring Calvin a glass of iced tea.

Calvin took a slug then said "So, Grandmama, how long have you lived here?"

"Years, dearie. Years" said Grandmama.

"And what does your son like? You know what floats his boat?" said Calvin.

"Gomez likes a great many things, sweet boy. Art, literature, beauty... his family the most" said Grandmama.

"Cool. That's like us in a way. And all that stuff about monsters. Does he have like... a chronic condition or something? He seemed serious" said Calvin.

"You don't believe in monsters, dear?" said Grandmama.

"Certainly not. Ma'am, back at home, I'm often regarded as the most level headed kid my friends have known. So I've decided to be practical and race a whole lap until the race is over" said Calvin.

"My dear... may I confide in you?" said Grandmama.

"Please do"

"Mr Addams is not well. He must leave this house, Calvin. He must move on. If he doesn't... I do fear the very worst" said Grandmama.

"That bad, huh?" said Calvin.

"Horrifyingly bad" said Grandmama.

In his room, Charles Wallace was watching the rain.

"Take a detour? Twenty minutes tops? Yeah sure" said Sam.

"Do you think it's gonna stop raining soon?" said Charles Wallace.

"I dunno, bud; it looks like it's gonna get stronger" said Sam.

In the library, Calvin was exploring. 

"Wow... stogies... mints... this is wild" he said.

Just then, one of the bookshelves opened to reveal a winding staircase.

"What is this? It sure isn't the Bat-poles" said Calvin.

He walked through the doorway and the wall slid shut.

"Huh? Hey! Hello?! Somebody! Open up!" Calvin shouted.

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