Chapter 16

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Now that he wasn't holding the key anymore, the corpse came to life.

Calvin was so startled by it, he dropped the key into the drink.

"Sam, go get the key. I'll take care of him" said Calvin.

Sam jumped into the river while Calvin and Lurch dealt with the zombie.

The corpse tried to attack, but Calvin knocked its head off with a torch.

"Next time, you oughta think before messing with friends of your descendants!" Calvin shouted.

"Sam. The key" said Lurch.

"I'm looking, I'm looking" said Sam.

"Well, take your time. Relax. We have everything under control" said Calvin.

More skeletal corpses came to life and surrounded the men.

"Sam, you better look faster!" said Calvin.

Sam dove into the water to look for the key. 

When she did find and grab it, more zombies chased her. 

And just when the monsters had her cornered, Lurch picked her up bridal style and saved her. 

"Lurch. You saved my life" said Sam.

Lurch groaned and put her down.

"Sam, are you alright?" said Calvin.


"Good. Gimme the key"

Sam handed Calvin the key and the three of them fled for their lives.

"Come on, guys! Hurry up!" said Charles Wallace.

The mausoleum door closed by itself. 

"Charles Wallace! Charles Wallace, open the door!" said Calvin.

Charles Wallace was about to open it, but spiders were crawling all over the door.

"Charles Wallace, buddy, open the door. Open the door! CHARLES WALLACE!" Calvin shouted.

"Cal, there's spiders everywhere and I don't have a magazine" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace, are you scared?" said Calvin.


"It's alright, bud. Everyone gets scared sometimes. I'm scared right now!"

"You are?"

"Yes, I'm very scared! Now open the door please!"

"Charlibus, if you think you're scared now, wait till the zombies come out!" said Sam.

"What zombies?" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace, it's okay to be scared, but you gotta help us. Please open the door right now!" said Calvin.

"Cal, they're coming!" Sam cried.

The monsters were just making their way up the stairs. 

"Charles Wallace, open the door right now! Hurry, bud! Open the door!" Calvin screamed.

Charles Wallace braved the spiders and pulled the door open.

Calvin, Sam and Lurch escaped just as the zombies made it to the top of the stairs.

"You got the key?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah, we got it" said Calvin.

"Lurch? Thanks... for saving me from those monsters" said Sam.

The least Lurch did to say 'you're welcome' was touch Sam's face with his enormous left hand.

"Now let's get this key to Uncle Fester" said Charles Wallace.

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