Chapter 19

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Gomez was still showing Meg around the mansion.

"For so long, this place has been dreary. But now... I think this wrong can be righted. Meg. Do you believe that love is about second chances? A power that can help you through just about anything?" he said.

"Yes I do" said Meg.

Gomez faced her and said "Don't you remember?"

"Remember? Mr Addams, are you alright?" said Meg.

"Don't you recognize me at all?"

"Mr Addams..."

"I thought certainly. That bringing you back to the Addams residence would help you remember"

"Remember what? Mr Addams, you're scaring me!"

"Where it happened! Where we spent our last moments together before you died! But now you've returned to me! Why do you not remember? You were my world, my life! And I never stopped loving you, querida mia!" Gomez babbled.

"Let me go!" Meg cried.

She ran away and tried to escape.

"Why do you not remember? You are her! You are Morticia! You must be! Can you not sense it? Search your heart; I'm your one true love! And now we can finally be together; don't you understand? Morticia, you must listen to me!" said Gomez.

"I'm not Morticia!" Meg sobbed.

"Please! I implore you!" said Gomez.

"Leave me alone! Get away from me!" Meg yelled.

She locked herself in a bedroom and Gomez stopped.

"She doesn't remember. That can't be her" he said.

"It is her, son. Uncle Fester prophesied her return. Now the time has come. You'd best get ready" said Grandmama.

"But she doesn't remember" said Gomez.

"In time she will, son. Now hurry along" said Grandmama.

She entered the room Meg was in.

"Oh, Grandmama! You have to help me. There's something horribly wrong. Mr Addams is..." Meg panted.

"Yes, I know, my dear. I know. The curse is to be lifted soon. And you haven't put on your dress yet. We can't keep the master waiting" said Grandmama.

"Waiting? For what?"

"Why, your wedding, of course".

"My... I'm not Morticia!"

"Of course you are, my dear. You may not see it yet, but in time you will"

"You don't actually think I'm going through with this madness do you?"

"Yes, I very much do. You see... we wouldn't want anything to happen to these two, now would we?" said Grandmama.

She showed Meg a vision of Charles Wallace and Sam in the trunk.

"Charles Wallace! Sam! You wouldn't!" Meg gasped.

"No, of course not. It's entirely up to you. If not... I really do fear for those two" said Grandmama.

She went back to the hall and found Wednesday and Pugsley.

"Children, have your mother ready. The final arrangements have been made" said Grandmama.

"But, Grandmama..." Wednesday cried.

"There are worse things than purgatory, Wednesday! I can assure you. Have her ready" said Grandmama.

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