Chapter 22

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"Must we continue to listen to the ramblings of three little lunatics?" said Grandmama.

"But it's written in her hand. Well?" said Gomez.

Grandmama knew her goose was cooked and spoke up.

"Your union was unacceptable. I was trying to set you up with her sister, but you took the wrong route" said Grandmama.

"So you killed her" said Gomez.

"I told you it was a mistake to run away with her" said Grandmama.

"But I loved her! Was love my mistake?"

"Yes! And what did you do to your mother who wanted everything that was best for you? Nothing! You defied her! You loved her? Well, go see her! All of you!" Grandmama yelled.

The wind blew the doors open and the floor opened to reveal a fiery pit.

A fiery dragon emerged and grabbed Grandmama. 

She grabbed Calvin and tried to kill him with her. 

But Gomez grabbed Calvin's hand and saved him.

"I've got him!" said Gomez.

"Calvin" said Sam as she and Charles Wallace helped him up.

"Thanks, guys" said Calvin.

Grandmama fell into the pit and never returned. 

"Oh my gawrsh..." Sam gasped.

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