Chapter 10

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Lurch led Charles Wallace and Sam down a hallway and stopped at a doorway that slid open.

"After you" Lurch groaned at Sam.

Sam awkwardly nodded and stepped in.

"Sam, wait. You don't know the last time that thing's been inspected" said Charles Wallace.

"Relax, Charles Wallace. Where's your sense of adventure?" said Sam.

Lurch groaned and insistingly gestured for Charles Wallace to enter the doorway.

Charles Wallace did as he was told.

"This is against all my better judgment" said Sam. 

Lurch stepped in himself and the door closed without help.

As it turned out, that doorway led to a secret elevator.

The elevator went up and stopped in the attic of the house.

"Why'd you bring us to the attic?" said Sam.

All Lurch did was groan.

"Don't you butler peoples ever stop... groaning? Because you actually sound sick" said Sam.

"I like groaning" said Lurch carelessly.

Sam rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"Sorry about her. She's just... never met anyone like you" said Charles Wallace.

Lurch groaned like he didn't care and led Charles Wallace to a portrait of a woman.

The woman in the picture had a face that looked very similar to Meg's.

"Sam!" said Charles Wallace.

Sam looked at the picture herself and said "Meg."

Lurch groaned again and wiped away a tear.

"Lurch, what's wrong? Did you find Mother's picture again?" said a little girl's voice.

Two little kids entered the attic. One was a little girl with long braided black hair and the other was a fat little boy in overalls.

"Oh! Lurch, who are your friends?" said the boy.

"I'm Charles Wallace. She's Sam" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm Wednesday. He's Pugsley. We're the Addams children" said the girl.

"And who is this?" said Sam gesturing to the picture.

"That's our mother" said Wednesday.

"Your mother?" said Sam.

"Her name was Morticia Addams" said Lurch sadly.

"She looks just like my sister" said Charles Wallace.

"She isn't really" said Pugsley. 

"Our house was cursed and our mother was lost" said Wednesday.

"Lost... and never found" said Lurch.

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