Chapter 13

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Uncle Fester showed the scene to the kids.

"Okay, so you're telling me that the only reason this guy invited us here is because he wants to try and get jiggy with my best friend?" said Calvin.

"Pretty much. Are you upset?" said Pugsley.

"The guy lost his wife and he's trying to get with my sister to make up for it!" said Charles Wallace.

"And the house isn't really for sale! Yes we're all upset" said Sam.

"Uncle Fester, is it her? Is Mother coming back to us?" said Wednesday.

"Indeed, Wednesday dear. She walks these halls" said Uncle Fester.

"Oh, how reassuring" Lurch sighed.

"But don't be deceived. All things aren't as they appear. For the curse to be lifted, the truth must be known. And for the truth to be known, you must find the key" said Uncle Fester.

"What are you talking about, Fester man? What key?" said Calvin.

"Enter the tomb under the great dead oak and travel down deep under the ground. And there you will find the key that must be found. Find the back crypt that bears no name or soon your fate will be the same" Uncle Fester recited.

"So if we just find this key, we'll be free like this never happened?" said Calvin.

"They key is the answer to all" said Uncle Fester.

"Then let's do this" said Calvin.

"Arms in, Warriors!" said Sam.

The kids put their arms in and recited the Warriors' oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

Sam: The Three Warriors...

All: Are on the case!

"Yay!" Wednesday cheered as she and Pugsley applauded.

"Now let's go" said Charles Wallace.

"But there's only one problem. How do we get outta here?" said Sam.

"Yeah, how do we get outta here?" said Calvin.

"Well... there's always... my way" said Lurch.

He shattered a window with his bare hands. 

"How did you do that?" said Calvin.

"What'd you expect, Cal? His hands are bigger than my head" said Charles Wallace.

Sam sprinkled pixie dust on the boys and they flew out the window.

"You can fly?" said Lurch.

"We sure as heck can" said Charles Wallace.

Given his towering height, Lurch didn't need to fly. He was able to climb out the window with no trouble at all. 

"I guess it does pay to be that tall" said Sam.

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