Chapter 5

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As the kids made their way up the front steps, it started to rain.

"Do you think it's gonna stop?" said Sam.

"Oh, I hope it's not raining at the lake" said Meg.

Calvin knocked on the front door and said "Look at the size of these knockers".

The doors opened all by themselves and the kids cautiously walked right in.

The place was very beautiful, but dusty and cobwebby. 

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" said Meg.

"Never. Even the Haunted Mansion wasn't like this" said Calvin.

"It looks amazin'... but it smells nasty" said Charles Wallace.

Sam took a sniff and said "Yeah. It reeks like paint thinner and hot dogs".

"The place is just a little dusty" said Calvin.

Charles Wallace then noticed a spider on one of the cobwebs.

"Meg. This place has spiders" he said.

"You rang?" groaned a deep voice.

Sam turned around fast and she saw a skinny, seven foot tall man with one of the grimmest faces she'd ever seen.

The sight of this guy was enough to make her yelp and fall down in surprise.

"Whoa! Look at the size of this guy! That is some height" said Charles Wallace.

The man ignored the comments and looked right at Meg.

"Meg... Murry?" he said slowly. 

"Yes, I'm Meg" said Meg.

"My name is Lurch" said the tall man.

"His appearance is making me wanna lurch forward and hurl" Sam whispered.

"My appearance might be strange... but there's nothing wrong with my hearing" Lurch snapped.

"Well, uh... hello, Lurch. I'm Calvin O'Keeffe. Meg's best friend. And these two sideline judges are Sam Pan and Meg's brother Charles Wallace" said Calvin.

"Nice to meet you. But we were not expecting... others" said Lurch.

"Yes, we were on our way out of town" said Meg.

Lurch groaned then said "Follow me down that hall".

"What exactly are we doing?" said Sam.

"Mr Addams wishes to discuss his affairs over dinner" said Lurch.

"Oh, I don't know. We've got plans. Calvin, we can't stay for dinner" said Meg.

"But we mustn't be rude" said Calvin.

"But what about our trip?" said Sam.

"Yeah, Cal" said Charles Wallace.

"We'll just have some soup and we'll get outta here" said Calvin.

"Cool. Uh... mister? What kind of soups do you have? Huh?" said Sam.

"Our specialty... bat soup" answered Lurch.

"Bat soup? As in made by Batman or made with actual bats?" said Charles Wallace.

All Lurch did to answer was groan.

He led the kids into the abnormally large dining room with a long table and big fireplace.

"Wow! Look at this! Hey, Sam, how'd you like to have dinner in a room like this every night?" said Charles Wallace.

"The master will be with you in just a minute" said Lurch.

"Well, uh... c-cary on" said Sam.

Lurch groaned again then left the kids alone.

"I say 'carry on' and he groans at me and walks off. Alright" said Sam.

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