Chapter 20

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Meg put on Morticia's wedding dress and fearfully walked down the aisle.

Gomez was confused by her crying as she got closer.

"Tears of joy" said Grandmama.

Meanwhile, Charles Wallace and Sam were still trapped in the trunk.

"We have to get outta here" said Charles Wallace.

"But how? This thing is sealed shut" said Sam.

Coincidentally, Lurch was coming that way. 

Sam heard him and saw him coming through the trunk's keyhole.

"It's Lurch" she said.

"He can get us out of here" said Charles Wallace.

The two started banging on the box hoping Lurch would hear them.

"Lurch, help us! We're down here!" Sam shouted.

"We're here! We're in the box!" Charles Wallace yelled.

Lurch heard the banging and yelling and approached the box.

"Kids?" he said.

"Help! We're stuck!" said Sam.

Lurch unlocked and opened the trunk so the kids could escape.

Sam flew up and gave the tall butler a hug.

"Thanks... again" she said after letting go.

Lurch groaned in response before saying "Where's Calvin?"

"Yeah, where is he?" said Charles Wallace.

Sam noticed the broken window and looked out it. 

She found Calvin trying to get back in.

"I got this" she said.

Sam flew down, grabbed Calvin and helped him in. 

"Charles Wallace! Sam!" said Calvin.

The Three Warriors hugged to reunite.

"Hurry. The wedding is on" said Lurch.

"Yikes! You're right, Lurch. We have to go rescue Meg" said Charles Wallace.

The Warriors made it to the wedding just as Meg said 'I do'.

"If anyone has any objections..." Grandmama began.

The Warriors burst into the room before she could say more.

"Yeah, we got a few objections!" said Calvin.

Meg's fearful tears turned to happy ones as she ran to her friends and hugged each of them.

"The next time I say let's go to the lake, we go to the lake" said Calvin.

"Let's go" said Meg.

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